"Kiss the rain"

Sep 19, 2006 09:43

Holy hell it's been a hot minute since I updated this bitch!!! lol Alrighty well.... hmm.. what's new since May 2nd?

Went to California. *smile* Geoffrey and I are official and just fine. I miss him terribly though... He's deployed and I haven't talked to him in a month. No email, no phone call. He should be pulling into Guam within the next couple weeks though... hopefully. So, yea... I can't wait to hear his voice. I <3 him...

He wants me to move to San Diego next summer... I dunno. Not that I don't have faith... just still pretty gun shy about such a big step like that. Since, as I'm sure everyone remembers, the last one was a disaster to say the least. Just afraid of crumbling again... I can't do it. I'm not strong enough yet.

Speaking of last year's disaster... Today is Mike's birthday. Talked to Rich about a week ago and aparently he's not doing so well. Well, he thinks he is... but he's not. Living with the girl he got pregnant again. She actually got into a car wreck and lost that baby though. But... he was living with her over the summer for about a month I think, then he moved in with some girl he had been talking to while WE were living together *which is where he was when I left to come back to Tampa* and now he's back with the original. Guess the other chick caught on pretty fast that he wasn't going to play his part... I don't blame her a bit. He's so radically different now than when we were together. *sigh* Oh well... lol not my problem anyone. I wish him the best... if only he'd wise up.

I miss my puppies....

I have to work tonight, and that kinda sucks because I don't get off until midnight. But it's all good because I'm off tomorrow. Tomoorow will suck too... I get to read, read, and read some more. Not to mention study, do my outline for Violence in America, and.... I know there's more. I have it written down, just can't remember off the top of my head. So, as you can see... days of work (for me) = catching up on schoolwork.... which, in turn = no social life. lol BUt that's ok too because I'm gonna graduate in December and staying busy makes it hard for me to dwell on the fact that I haven't gotten a kiss from my baby since June 11... and won't until February. :(

*smile* Even though I miss the shit out of him.... I still smile every time I think about him or talk about him..


That's enough.
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