Mar 06, 2006 19:02
don't ask me why that song was just in my head... lol
i'm tired and it's been a hot minute since i updated.... i don't even know what to say.
I wish I was closer to Geoff... he's the only person i'd even consider being in a relationship with right now. Can't freakin wait til June when I get to go out there and see him. San Diego is going to be amazing... I'm sure of it.
Went out last Friday and had a blast. For the first time in a long time I felt beautiful. I called Geoff lol
Me: Babe! I'm so pretty right now!
Him: You're pretty all the time....
Me: No, seriously... I'm freakin hot tonight.
lol then, later on that night.... when i was drunk and walking back to my room
Me: apparently, when you get drunk, you're not pretty anymore. but you THINK you're freakin sexy as hell.
Him: Baby, you're always pretty. I could wake up next to you any day of the week and not be disappointed.
ok, i'll stop geekin now.
I picked up an extra shift at work today. Went by kinda slow, which sucked. But, it's all good. Gotta work my normal 10 hour shift tomorrow starting at 7am. *yuck* Hopefully it goes by fast... Shandria's not working with me though so... bah. She usually does so I have no idea who's gonna be working her normal shift. Not sure if Jonathan comes in tomorrow or not, but if he does it won't be until 3:30pm and I get off at 5pm so it's kinda pointless. Well, lol not pointless... just meant that I still don't get to work with him that long so it's whatever. I'm sure Derek and Andres will be working. Ok, you know what? lol None of this even matters lol moving on....
Aubrey finally emailed me back.. she said she's been busy. Plus, as far as I know she doens't have a comp right now so.... She's joining the Navy. I dunno, I just kinda have a feeling we're gonna lose touch. Other than email I don't even know how to get ahold of her so... we'll see.
Mel and I are goin to the beach on Friday... I'ma be a lobster because we're gonna get there in the morning and not leave until after the sun sets. It's gonna be so nice though... just us, being goofy as hell probably. lol whatever.
ok i guess that's it. i'ma lay down and read. i'll probably fall asleep, but it's all good. love love love