Old School Style

Jan 23, 2006 10:30

*~~*Quote of the Day*~~* "And I will pretend that I don't know of your sins/Until you are ready to confess/But all the time, all the time/I know, I know"

*~~*Today's Horoscope*~~* You like to think of yourself as a wise, restrained and calm character. The rest of us would like to think of you in this way too. This, though, requires us to stretch our imagination and deny a fairly large body of evidence to the contrary. You've got a lot of passion, immense determination and an uncanny ability to say the things that most of us dare not even secretly think. That's not criticism. It's not even praise. It's awe-struck admiration. You have lately been particularly brave and/or foolhardy. It's about to pay off handsomely. AND..... Under this influence you are likely to have a rather busy day communicating and engaging in exchanges with others. It is a favorable time for all negotiations and business dealings, because your communication is likely to be clear and concise. Your mind is sharper than usual today, and you are receptive to what others have to say. You express your thoughts in a way that is easily understood. You may travel more than usual today, but it is likely to be in the world that is familiar to you rather than in a new and different environment. It is a good idea to use a day like this for routine business that requires a clear mind and considerable attention. Such matters will go much more smoothly than usual.

Ok, so I decided last night that I'm gonna start writing at least SOMETHING every day from now on. It can be here, on myspace, in my actual diary.... But I have to write at least once every day. Also, I'm gonna start waking up 15 minutes earlier than normal so that I can start recording my dreams. Didn't wake up early enough this morning, but I still remember it so I'm gonna write it down after this. I actually have a lil dream journal that asks specific questions and stuff to help you remember it. So.... that should be interesting. Right, so the agenda for today... gotta go to the post office and officially change my address from the old house to my campus address. Actually, I STILL haven't cancelled my cable, water, and electric to that place... gotta do that today.... Gotta call about my ticket. Catch up on some reading. Run to the store.... buy a couple more books and then I'm good. Sounds like a lot, huh?

Got a card from Geoff today... He was sending me some pics. He's so freakin cute... sometimes I hate the fact that I'm not ready for anything serious. It's weird... Like, I'm willing to give someone all of me... everything that goes along with a relationship... EXCEPT the commitment. Not that I wanna screw around or anything like that... I'm just not ready to promise myself to anyone. I feel bad though... there's too many people *one is too many* that care too much about me for me to be so freakin confused. lol Actually... I just contradicted myself... I'm not confused at all really. Just now ready. Whatever.

Hm... the more I think about all I need to do, the more I relaize I should go do it rather than sitting her typing meaningless babble..

I grounded myself from melissa until i get caught back up on my reading lol. Hey, it actually works for me.... so whatever.

Ok, I'm gonna go get some things accomplished.

I'm already not looking forward to getting up and going to work tomorrow morning. yuck. love.
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