Nov 03, 2010 01:22
Birth Name: Yang Seung Ho
Alt. Name: Seungho
Code: 8019
Birth Date: 16 October 1987
Blood Type: Unspecified
Position: President of J.T. Inc.
Yang Seung Ho (Seungho) became the President of J.T. Inc. four years ago after his mentor passed it on to him before he left the country. Knowing the truth behind the business that was run at J.T. Inc, Seungho is the best fit for the position in his mentor’s eyes. Seungho was formerly a night-shift employee at J.T. before being promoted.
Birth Name: Jung Byung Hee
Alt. Name: G.O.
Code: 1564
Birth Date: 9 November 1987
Blood Type: Unspecified
Position: Contractor
Jung Byung Hee (G.O.) is the highest paying contractor for those who work at J.T. Inc. He’s invested much faith in the work that he’s received from the company, both in the past four years that Seungho had taken over and even before. J.T. has never failed him, and he adamantly declares such. He’s a wealthy corporation owner with much of his profit invested in the stock at J.T.
Birth Name: Lee Chang Sun
Alt. Name: Leejoon
Code: 4803
Birth Date: 7 February 1988
Blood Type: Unspecified
Position: Certified Employee
Lee Chang Sun (Leejoon) is the highest ranked employee at J.T. He’s invested 6 of his twenty-two years into J.T. Inc. Along with being high-ranking, he is very popular amongst his co-workers and contractors. Leejoon is perhaps the most asked for employee that currently works at J.T.
Birth Name: Park Sang Hyun
Alt. Name: Thunder
Code: 7750
Birth Date: 7 October 1990
Blood Type: Unspecified
Position: “Architect,” Specialist
Park Sang Hyun (Thunder) works as the architect and scheduling assistant at J.T., though he has a special degree in handling much more than just blueprints and spreadsheets. Thunder was enrolled with some form of military schooling for a bit, though it’s not very prominent on his records. At first meeting, he seems to be a sweet, mild-mannered young man. There is much more to Thunder than meets the eye.
Birth Name: Bang Cheol Yong
Alt. Name: Mir
Code: 0001
Birth Date: 10 March 1991
Blood Type: Unspecified
Position: Unverified
Bang Cheol Yong (given the code name Mir) is a seemingly invisible computer-oriented student at a small, community university. He holds no active role in J.T., but the company seems to hold a particular interest in him.
They all have one thing in common: their affiliation with J.T., and most importantly, their affiliation with Leejoon.
rating: pg-13,
pairing: leejoon/mir