Sep 12, 2006 13:35
This morning was the first time that Julian cried and had tears. It broke my heart. I was changing his diaper, and when I picked him up and saw the little tears in his eyes it made me want to cry with him.
He is fitting in size 2 diapers already. He skipped right past the Newborn size, so all of those that I had went to waste. He was doing just fine in the size 1's last week, but for the past 3 days he's leaked out of them immediately after putting them on him. The diaper itself feels dry, but his clothes and blanket get wet. So I put him in 2's this morning and he's doing fine.
I went shopping with Jerrad's mom the other day. We were out for a few hours and I guess I overdid it because I've been bleeding really heavy since then. I got a new shirt and a pair of cropped pants and we picked up a birthday present for Jerrad's aunt at The Limited.
We also went over to ToysR'Us cause we had to do birthday shopping for Gabe, who will be 5 on the 22nd. Gabe is really into Batman right now and wants a Batman cake, pinata and toys. We got him some pretty cool stuff. He's getting a Batcave with a Batman action figure, Two Justice League action figures (Superman and The Flash), Two Matchbox sets for his cars (Dragon Castle and Metropolis - Metropolis is freaking awesome!), a book with 4 Batman stories in it, a pair of Spiderman shoes, a big thing of construction paper and that might be all because I can't think of anything else.
Everyone wanted to know where Julian was and when I was coming back to work. Halfway through the shopping trip I realized that I left my employee discount card in my wallet, which was in the diaper bag that was at the time sitting on the floor in my living room since Julian wasn't with us. :p So Jerrad's brother brought it up to us on his way out of Wilmington and everything was good. Speaking of the little guy, we got him a baby tub that has a shower sprayer while we were there. It takes batteries though and I don't think I've got any extras right now. :(