Dec 28, 2005 12:33
Being in bed is no longer my favorite place to be. Before I was there because I wanted to be, now I feel confined to it because of the constant nausea. Only 10 more weeks of it, lol. :[
Well, the Christmas season is now over. I've still got my job at Toys R Us. Christmas eve was the last day for about 40 people there. There were 8 or 9 of us kept, including those who work the service desk. This may or may not be permanent. Once they do inventory, they're cutting again, and thats in a week or so. Two of the seasonal girls have lost their jobs since then, and a permanent employee quit the other day as well, so maybe I'll still have a job when it's all done. I was only scheduled for 18 hours this week, but I'm up to around 30 now.
We went to Applebee's yesterday. Gabe was freaking out because he didn't remember it and kept asking where it was at. I told him he'd been there before and he responded with "You've never been to Hooter's mama. It's got all those girls." Ugh. @_@
My house is a wreck. I hate cleaning on a day that I have to work, but right now I'd settle for just feeling okay on my tummy long enough to get the rest of the Xmas toys put away. Friday is my only day off. I declare Friday cleaning day.