Today is Armenia's Genocide Remembrance Day. Between 1915-1923, an estimated 1.2-1.5 million Armenians were were killed. Most were "relocated" and died of harsh conditions (including starvation) or brought to one of the many concentration camps to be burned, drowned, poisoned, or otherwise tortured. The genocide "officially" began on April 24 of 1915, when hundreds of Armenian intellectuals were arrested and (for the most part) executed.
Turkey does not remember this genocide today or on any other day. Turkey has never admitted to a government-sponsored genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Remember genocide today:
Find out more about the
Armenian genocideSee how the Armenian genocide relates to gender, at
Gendercide Watch.
Listen to Democracy Now!'s
segment: The Armenian Genocide: 90 Years Later Turkey Continues to Deny the Extermination of a People
Read a book by Orhan Pamuk, a Turkish novelist who refuses to deny the massacres (often compared to Calvino, Borge, Kafka, Márquez, and Rushdie)
Learn about genocide in general, and genocides happening today the
Institute for the Study of GenocideJoin in the campaign to end
genocide in DarfurForm opinions on current issues in the same region, like
the Republic of Nagorno-Karbagh, Turkish/Armenian borders, or Kurdistan (one of the most militarzied regions on earth)
Okay, okay. I'm not generally interested in genocide. Obviously I have some people to thank. So...thanks to Q who's passion for such things kicks my ass and will change the world, Su, who thinks the Armenian genocide most be told, even as a bed-time story, and E who got the word out to Calvin about Darfur.