Aug 01, 2005 21:11
So i'm sitting here on my trapalene... thinking, wonderding, dazed and confused. Do you often wonder about all the time that has passed... each moment in time as it flies by and is entered into our momories forever and ever... somethings we forget, some we try to forget, and some are just so wonderful it plays over and over again in our memory banks. I often think about all the relationships i've had in my life... all the many friends and aquantices i've had. I wonder how they are, what happened to our bond, and for those who only stay for such a short time in our life what was the reasoning. Did I do something wrong to harm the relationship or was there a specific purpose for that relationship in time. And why is it for many relationships we dont know why they only stay for a short time or a lil while and the select few that last a lifetime.
Why is it sometimes we feel sad for no apparent reason, and why is it we can be happy for so long and then out of nowhere be sad. I really dont understand how feelings work nor do i feel i ever will. Or life like why is were never satisfied, no matter what happens in our life we always want something more something different. I remember being five without a care in the world, but always wanting to be older, For the longest time as a kid you want to be older, someone different. Then one day it hits ya and you realize life as kid isnt bad at all why did I want to grow up so fast soo bad. Like dont get me wrong be older definatly has its perks and I wouldnt change time for anything, but why is that time seems to fly by sooo quickly. It feels as though I just wake up and the next minute im getting ready for bed. Do you ever feel as the days only go by faster and faster as you getting older.
Like I often think about the day i'll be out on my own, with my career, married, maybe a kid or two and how great it will one day be and sometimes i cant wait until that day... but at the same note I can wait because i love living each day as it is given to me, and to just enjoy my young years of what I have left at least. Life sure can be confusing.
Too all my old close friends... You mean the world to me even though we may not be close anymore, we may not talk, we may have grown apart, changed, or just dont have time... You will always be dear to me. Because I know we had our great times and even though things will never be the same you're a part of my heart and sould for always. I wish you all the best, and I just want you all to know I think about you often and worry about you. "You'll be in my heart... now and forever"
Isnt it funny how as we grow older are friends change, and when were younger we thought it couldnt happen, figuring our friends from grade school were going to be with us til the end. Then one day we wake up and they're not there, they've moved on, apart from you. And in ways it sucks but we also have to realize they served they're purpose in our lives. And at the moment they were in our life there was a reason for it.... because everything happens for a reason, and who knows why things happen they way they do.
Dont get my entry wrong though... I love life and all it has to offer, I have wonderful family, great friends, an amazing boyfriend. I love every moment it throws at me rather big or small, up or down. Its all a part of the rollar coaster of life and always a great thrill and joy.