Christmas Excitement

Dec 25, 2009 07:13

We had a great night, Christmas Eve with my parents. For dinner we had turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravey, yams, green beans, corn, awesome Christmas stuffing, rolls & pineapple upside-down cake.

The presents were so cool this year. Actually, we drew names... so there were less presents. But Colton's presents were cool, and that's awesome in my book. He got a set of Hot Wheels Cars, a rainbow doughnut stacker, a Spider Man Ball, a Baby Genious Drum w/ tambourine & shakers, a Rocking Horse that talks & sings, whinnys & neighs.... a kid sized Elmo ride-on airplane with a spinning propeller - that talks and plays music, and a Little People's farm set (barn & animals).

I got a NuWave Oven! Very excited about that. You don't have to defrost anything before you cook it! I also got some jewelry... and some random things from my grandpa... like an automatic apple peeler and some chocolate. Plus other random things from my parents... like some dumbells??... and a card with money in it!


We're going to pack up the car and go to Chris's family today. *Muffled Groan* I actually hate spending the day with his family.... because it's so uncomfortable. Colton doesn't know them very well... so he probably won't take a nap at their house..... which = hell for me. It's my fault that he doesn't know them though. They live 45 min away.... and I'm not motivated to drive him back and forth.

Plus, Mary Ann has those foster kids to keep her busy. Ugh..... lame excuse... I know.... I just don't like his family very much I guess......

I love doing things with my family. They live 2 min from our house. So we can leave anytime! And they always feed us and help take care of the baby..... (change diapers, fix bottles, & entertain him). They have everything we need. A changing table... a supply of diapers & bottles... their own high chair & toys.... a portable crib (so he can take a nap). I just love my parents.

*Sigh* I'm gonna actually have to take my high chair & portable crib with me today... just so we can spend the day with his family...... Please God.... let the day go well today. I think I used to enjoy his family a tiny bit more before I started worrying about the baby. I wonder if I should bring toys... or if they will be giving him something cool for Christmas...

And then Chris's Dad wants to have dinner with us at a pubic restaurant. Nothing could sound more like HELL... than to drag that baby all over the place with no nap.... then take him to a restaurant to humiliate everyone with his screaming & throwing food on the floor & having tantrums because he is SOOOOO tired & has to sit still while the adults eat......

And for some reason.... my parents want us to come back and open more presents.... They couldn't give us last night?? I believe that they have a flat screen TV for Chris.... and possibly something for me.... but for sure more presents for Colton. I told them that they might have to wait and see us on the day after Christmas....

Hmm.... I wish Chris's family lived far away.... I don't think he likes them very much anyway... that's one reason I don't enjoy being around them too.... Chris seems annoyed with them much of the time. But he loves my family. I wish I was a better wife and loved his family too. They just tend to push & pull us too much since the baby has been born. And Mary Ann has different veiws about my role as a mom & how Colton should be raised too.....

It is now about 7AM.... of course... I got up about 5:30....cause I couldn't sleep..... But let me see if I can work up some excitement for this day ahead. After all.... it's CHRISTMAS DAY!!! I guess I had all of my Christmas excitement last night.
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