Aug 25, 2010 21:17
Thoughts on this arc:
Compared to the Bountou arc, this was quite interesting. Bountou arc dragged on wayyyy too long. I rather liked Captain Amagai. Poor Kira too; he lost 2 captains =( Booooooo
However, the final fight SUCKED. It was soooo boring. What a horrible way to end a good filler =/ But anyways, BACK TO ARRANCAR ARC?!?
I just remembered something else.. the transition to this filler was soooo confusing. Rukia just defeated this Espada guy and was on the verge of dying and so was Chad. But then all of a sudden they all were okay and going to school o_o
There's also no way Ichigo would've saved Inoue that easily. Just by defeating Grimmjow? As if Aizen would let them get away that easily.. >.>
Transition sucked. It was just a screen with words and voice reading it out. "Let's continue the tale some other time" I was like WHAT THE EFFFF =O!!!!!!!!! WHAT KIND OF CRAP ARE YOU PULLING