Gotta knock a little harder

Dec 09, 2003 22:26

I am not sure what's going on with LJ and adding friends vs. subscribing. Adding friends used to be easy, but the buttons have gotten confusing. I'd appreciate it if you would add me as a friend so I can see your entries too. Thanks a bunch!

My entire journal is friend-locked. It's not a big deal. I just prefer a private life, that's all.

If you want to see the entries, just comment here. I will probably add you unless you are considered a minor in the United States very young or immature in your outlook. There's no porn, violence, or nudity under the lock or even anything exciting, except for a few naughty words, actually. I mostly talk about books, the idiocy of the media and my elderly dog, and how much I love my two wonderful kitties. miss having a pet I love my big fat ginger cat and little black cat. I also talk about tech and Linux sometimes a lot. Being an adoptee and getting my original birth certificate, finally having my original birth certificate, and all the biological family that I finally found. And no longer talk to.

Unlike the toxic atmospheres of Facebook and Twitter X, LJ is quiet. I've been here since it was invite-only (I screwed up that account so badly!) and I love it here. I won't be leaving. I can go weeks without an entry and then go on a posting spree. Sometimes I say really stupid shit, but I'm at the age where I know it's stupid shit and say it anyway.

All comments in this entry are screened and will remain that way.

[About Me]



Upstate NY/PA Right on the border.

How long have you been on LiveJournal?
This account was created in 2003. I had two different accounts before this one, one from 2001 and the other started earlier in 2003. Both are long deleted.

What do you/will you write about?
I write about boring stuff. Housework, cooking, my cats, dog sitting, computers. I write about the past. I also write about books I'm reading, or have just read. I do writing prompts. Sometimes my entries are a wall of text. With paragraphs.

What particular qualities do you look for in a friend?
Patience. Understanding that when I dislike something that you like, I'm not criticizing you. I'm criticizing a thing that I might not even know or remember you like. I am always up for a good discussion. I love discussions.

Favourite films or TV shows?
My favorite movie ever is Hero (2002 - China). I despise modern American super-hero movies and blatant military propaganda. I don't like movies that navel gaze and pretend to be profound when they are really just sappy.

I went through a period of liking tv for a while, The Walking Dead, Hannibal, Lost, etc. Then I lost interest and tv fizzled out. It's not unusual for me to go long stretches (like years) without owning or watching television. I'm generally not interested in television. We cut the cable long ago and don't have any television subscriptions.

Favourite books?
I rotate my top ten books because there are so many books that I love unreasonably. My “Top-Pick” books number 343, so yeah, lots of book love. Right now, the top-ten are:
All Quiet on the Western Front
American Psycho
American Tabloid
In Cold Blood
Pale Fire
East of Eden
King Lear
Elmer Gantry
Blood Meridian
The War Prayer

I'll probably change that list at the end of the month. I love having people on my friends list at GoodReads, and I'm very active there. Add me!

Favourite foods?
Ice Cream, toasted cheese sandwiches, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti. I have turned into a 6-year-old with food.

Favourite drinks?
Ice-Cold Water, coffee, Diet Pepsi with Jack

Favourite bands and musicians?
Violent Femmes, Pink Floyd, The Cult, Concrete Blonde, Talking Heads, Billie Holiday, Cab Calloway, Benny Goodman

How would you describe your style?
Babbling and incoherent.

Anything else you'd like to tell us?
- I have trouble remembering things, and sometimes things comes out all wrong and I have no idea what I've done.

- I've lived in urban, suburban, vacation, and rural areas. Because of that, I generally don't write about politics because I know it's hopeless. My political stances on issues make me look like I am playing Twister on a fence.

- I don't post photos because I take terrible pictures and there's no fixing them.

- I probably won't leave personal comments on your posts if they are public facing. For me, LiveJournal is like visiting a friend at their house, not sitting down in a public place for a conversation. LJ is a journal, albeit one that you can share parts of your life with online friends. It is not a blog. YMMV.

- I also write about Linux and computers. You can ignore these posts, and it will absolutely, positively not hurt my feelings. Promise.

I always come out the same on these tests. I am in the middle. Click here to take the test yourself.

Politically, I am not a conservative or a liberal. Aside from civil liberties, and our constitutional rights, I strongly sit in the middle and try to see things from a multitude of perspectives.

1st entry, about me

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