Good Intention - 25 Books, 100 Movies and 15 Tv Shows in 2009

Jun 29, 2009 20:33

Just because I always had a lot of troubles opening the original post... Again there is a massive update for my good intention post! I reached my goal for tv series and I'm really close to movies one! YAY! Let's read!

Inside you can find my progress with my good intentions to read at least 25 new books and watch a minimum of 100 new movies and 15 Tv Shows series in the new year! You can find between the brackets the original title, if i read or watch a book or a movie that have another title in Italy, different from the original one.

1. I will read 25 books or more in 2009.
2. I'll keep track of how many I read in this post (with the authors.)
3. I only record first-time reads.
4. If you want to recommend any books to me, go for it!
5. I'll rate the books out of five (★ = poor, ★★ = nothing special, ★★★ = worth reading, ★★★★ = pretty cool, ★★★★★ = awesome in all ways)

01. Lois H. Gresh - Il mondo di Twilight, La guida non autorizzata alla saga di Edward e Bella (The Twilight Companion: The Unauthorized Guide to the Series) ★★½
02. Jeff Lindsay - Il Nostro Caro Dexter (Dearly Devoted Dexter) ★★★★½
03. Sophie Kinsella - Sai tenere un segreto? (Can You Keep a Secret?) ★★★★
04. Thomas Harris - Hannibal Lecter - Le origini del male (Hannibal Rising) ★★★★★
05. Donatien-Alphonse-François de Sade - Le 120 giornate di Sodoma (Les 120 journées de Sodome ou l'Ecole du libertinage) ★★★
06. Andrea Camilleri - Il ladro di merendine ★★★★
07. Cecily von Ziegesar - Gossip Girl: Baciami sulla bocca (Gossip Girl) ★★★★
08. Cecily von Ziegesar - Gossip Girl: Mi ami, vero? (You Know You Love Me) ★★★★
09. Cecily von Ziegesar - Gossip Girl: Voglio tutto (All I want is Everything) ★★★★
10. Cecily von Ziegesar - Gossip Girl: Perché me lo merito (Because I'm Worth It) ★★★★
11. Cecily von Ziegesar - Gossip Girl: Mi piace così (I Like It Like That) ★★★★
12. Cecily von Ziegesar - Gossip Girl: Sei quello che voglio (You're the one that I want) ★★★★
13. Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo - La verità è che non gli piaci abbastanza (He's Just Not That into You) ★★½
14. Ibrahim S. Amin - I fratelli del vampiro (The Monster Hunter’s Guide Handbook. The Ultimate Guide to Saving Mankind from Vampires, Zombies, Hellhounds and Other Mythical Beasts) ★★
15 Valerie Stivers - Il sangue nero del vampiro (Blood Is the New Black) ★★★★½
16. Kim Harrison, Meg Cabot, Lauren Myracle, Michele Jaffe, Stephenie Meyer - Danze dall'Inferno (Prom Nights from Hell) ★★½
17. Anne Rice - Intervista con il vampiro (Interview with the vampire) ★★★★

.Genea - Barbie deve morire

Wanting to read:
.Emily Brontë - Cime Tempestose (Wuthering Heights)
.Nancy Kilpatrick - La notte dei vampiri (Child of the Night)
.Nancy Kilpatrick - La guerra dei vampiri (Near Death)
.Nancy Kilpatrick - La rinascita del vampiro (Reborn)
.Patricia Cornwell - La Traccia (Trace)
.Jeanne Kalogridis - Il patto con il vampiro (Covenant with the Vampire)
.Jeanne Kalogridis - I figli del vampiro (Children of the Vampire)
.Jeanne Kalogridis - Il signore dei vampiri (Lord of the Vampires)
.Laurell K. Hamilton - Resti Mortali (The Laughing Corpse)
.Charlaine Harris - Finchè non cala il buio (Dead Until Dark)

1. I will watch 100 movies or more in 2009.
2. I will keep track of how many I watch in this post.
3. I only record first-time viewings.
4. If you want to recommend any movies to me, go for it!
5. I'll rate the movies out of five (★ = poor, ★★ = nothing special, ★★★ = worth watching, ★★★★ = pretty cool, ★★★★★ = awesome in all ways)

001. Tropic Thunder ★★★
002. Madagascar ★★★
003. Madagascar 2 (Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa) ★★★
004. Assassini Nati (Natural Born Killers) ★★★★
005. Ultimatum alla Terra (The Day the Earth Stood Still) ★★
006. Breaking Dawn
007. The Air I Breath ★★
008. Orgoglio e Pregiudizio (Pride & Prejudice) ★★★
009. Yes Man ★★★
010. The Spirit ★★★★
011. Sette Anime (Seven Pounds) ★★★
012. Lasciami entrare (Låt den rätte komma in) ★★★½
013. Postal ★★
014. Il cosmo sul comò ★★
015. Autumn in New York ★★★
016. The Women ★★½
017. Australia ★★½
018. La duchessa (The Duchess) ★★★
019. Chapter 27 ★★½
020. Come un uragano (Nights in Rodanthe) ★★
021. Disturbia ★★
022. Guida galattica per autostoppisti (The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy) ★★½
023. Milk ★★½
024. Vuoti a rendere (Vratné lahve) ★
025. Mr. & Mrs. Smith ★★★
026. Baciate chi vi pare (Embrassez qui vous voudrez) ★★★
027. La maison de Nina ★★★
028. Derailed - Attrazione letale (Derailed) ★★
029. Il respiro del diavolo (Whisper) ★★★
030. La coniglietta di casa (The House Bunny) ★½
031. 2 single a nozze (Wedding Crashers) ★★
032. The Millionaire (Slumdog Millionaire) ★★★
033. Italians
034. Beverly Hills Chihuahua ½
035. Tutti insieme inevitabilmente (Four Christmases) ★
036. Davanti agli occhi (The Life Before Her Eyes) ★★★
037. Rachel sta per sposarsi (Rachel Getting Married) ★★★
038. Il club di Jane Austen (The Jane Austen Book Club) ★★★
039. Léon ★★★★
040. In linea con l'assassino (Phone Booth) ★★
041. Il Curioso caso di Benjamin Button (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) ★★★★½
042. Il delitto Fitzgerald (The United States of Leland) ★★★
043. I Fantastici 4 e Silver Surfer (4: Rise of the Silver Surfer) ★★½
044. Stardust ★★★★
045. V per Vendetta (V for Vendetta) ★★★★
046. Torno a vivere da solo ★½
047. The Code (Thick as Thieves) ★★★
048. Strafumati (Pineapple Express) ★★½
049. Quarantena (Quarantine) ★★½
050. Venerdì 13 (Friday the 13th) ★★
051. Un barrage contre le Pacifique ★★★★
052. I padroni della notte (We Own the Night) ★★★
053. Il Dubbio (Doubt) ★★★
054. Happy Feet ★★½
055. News Movie ★★★
056. Asterix alle Olimpiadi (Astérix aux jeux olympiques) ★★★
057. Il figlio di Chucky (Seed of Chucky) ★★★
058. Batman Forever ★★½
059. EX ★★½
060. Shrek 2 ★★★½
061. Eragon ★★
062. I love shopping (Confessions of a Shopaholic) ★★★
063. Push ★★★
064. Racconti Incantati (Bedtime Stories) ★★½
065. Elizabethtown ★★★
066. La verità è che non gli piaci abbastanza (He's Just Not That Into You) ★★★
067. Nemico pubblico N. 1 - L'ora della fuga (L'Ennemi public n°1) ★★★
068. Stress da Vampiro (Vampire's Kiss) ★★½
069. Romeo + Giulietta (Romeo + Juliet) ★★★★
070. Watchmen ★★★
071. Bride wars - La mia miglior nemica (Bride Wars) ★★½
072. Zombie Strippers! ★★½
073. Blackwater Valley Exorcism ★★½
074. Dracula's legacy - Il fascino del male (Dracula 2000) ★★★
075. X-Files - Voglio crederci (The X-Files: I Want to Believe) ★★★
076. Io e Marley (Marley & me) ★★★
077. Last Night - Morte nella notte (Against the Dark) ★★
078. Fight Club ★★★½
079. The Island ★★★★
080. Tre metri sopra il cielo (Three Steps Over Heaven) ★½
081. Ho voglia di te ★½
082. Duplicity ★★★
083. Nick E Norah Tutto Accadde In Una Notte (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist) ★
084. The Reader ★★★½
085. Notte prima degli esami ★★½
086. Disastro a Hollywood (What Just Happened) ★★★
087. La vita segreta delle api (The Secret Life of Bees) ★★★½
088. Duplex - Un appartamento per tre (Duplex) ★★
089. Ricky Bobby: La storia di un uomo che sapeva contare fino a uno (Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby) ★½
090. Una notte al museo 2 - La Fuga (Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian) ★★★
091. Baby Love (Comme les autres) ★★★
092. Lemony Snicket - Una serie di sfortunati eventi (Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events) ★★★½
093. Inkheart - La leggenda di cuore d'inchiostro ★★½
094. Un allenatore in palla (Rebound) ★½
095. The Uninvited ★★★★
096. Lazarus project - Un piano misterioso (The Lazarus Project) ★★★
097. Uomini che odiano le donne (Män som hatar kvinnor) ★★★
098. Diverso da chi? ★★½

Wanting to see:
.Le Premier Cercle
.The Horsemen
.Imago Mortis
.Blood and chocolate - La caccia al licantropo è aperta (Blood and chocolate)
.Dracula II: Ascension

1. I will watch 15 tv shows or more in 2009.
2. I'll keep track of how many I watch in this post
3. I only record first-time viewings.
4. If you want to recommend any tv shows to me, go for it!
5. I'll rate the tv shows out of five (★ = poor, ★★ = nothing special, ★★★ = worth watching, ★★★★ = pretty cool, ★★★★★ = awesome in all ways)

01. Chuck Season 1 (13/13) ★★★★
02. Pushing Daisies Season 1 (09/09) ★★½
03. Merlin Season 1 (13/13) ★★★★
04. The Lost Room (03/03) ★★★★
05. Dirty Sexy Money Season 1 (10/10) ★★★½
06. Dexter Season 2 (12/12) ★★★★★
07. Dexter Season 3 (12/12) ★★★★★
08. Greek Season 1 (22/22) ★★½
09. Secret Diary of a Call Girl Season 1 (08/08) ★★★
10. Tell Me You Love Me (10/10) ★★½
11. Lipstick Jungle Season 1 (07/07) ★★★½
12. Dirty Sexy Money Season 2 (13/13) ★★★
13. Moonlight (16/16) ★★★★★
14. Queer as Folk (US) Season 1 (22/22) ★★★★★
15. Grey's Anatomy Season 5 (24/24) ★★★★
16. Lost Season 5 (17/17) ★★★★½
17. Secret Diary of a Call Girl Season 2 (08/08) ★★★
18. Pushing Daisies Season 2 (13/13) ★★½
19. Gossip Girl Season 2 (25/25) ★★★★
20. Queer as Folk (US) Season 2 (20/20) ★★★★
21. Private Practice Season 2 (22/22) ★★★★½
22. Eli Stone Season 1 (13/13) ★★★★½
23. Lipstick Jungle Season 2 (13/13) ★★★½
24. Prison Break Season 1 (22/22) ★★★★

.Doctor Who (2005) Season 1 (01/13)
.Fringe Season 1 (04/20)
.House MD Season 5 (04/24)
.Legend Of The Seeker Season 1 (02/22)
.Life Season 2 (02/21)
.Queer as Folk (US) Season 3 (01/14)
.The Mentalist Season 1 (16/23)
.The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 1 (17/23)
.True Blood Season 1 (09/12)
.Ugly Betty Season 3 (19/22)
.Worst Week Season 1 (03/16)
.90210 Season 1 (06/24)

Wanting to watch:
.Brothers and Sisters Season 2 (00/16)
.Brothers and Sisters Season 3 (00/24)
.Chuck Season 2 (00/22)
.Eli Stone Season 2 (00/13)
.Prison Break Season 2 (00/22)

17 / 25 books. 68% done!

98 / 100 tv shows. 98% done!

24 / 15 tv shows. 160% done!

Updates: 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05

!edited, !meme, !books movies and tv shows, !keeping track, !2009

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