Dude, do you have some weed?

May 02, 2004 12:32

Oh man
Good times over the last 2 days
First of all, during 7th and 8th, Becca, Oriana, Max, Eleri, and Sarah all went to Carnies without signing out (mm, train), and Eleri almost had a heart attack because while leaving, a security guard asked her if she had signed out and she lied...lol. Poor Eleri, just not fit to be a teenager ;)
After school, Sarah drops me off at my car and i hurry home to get my cabaret shirt which, genius i am, left at my house, and then drive back to school to meet Lauren.
I find Josh, Chris, Alex M and CC playing LotR monopoly (lol), laugh, then go find Lauren, Nick, and Lizzy.
We decide that I should drive (yay) and we all kick it to Sushi Mac (driving around in circles in the parking lot 43498 times, handicapped jokes, oh sushi, oh sushi, spinning on the chairs, "Marujana", learning to use chopsticks, awkward boy memories)
After, at Lauren's suggestion, we go to Coldstone's, and everyone actually gets something (even if Laurens was too sweet =D), then sit outside, relaxing and laughing at the guys next to us trying to pick up these 3 girls that walked by.
Then, after a fun adventure where we thought we were lost on the way back to school, we all chill till PreCabaret, then it's showtime!
Afterwords, after talking to Lizzie and Josh and my seniors for a bit, i ended up just going home cause i was sooo tired and had the SAT IIs in the morning.
Woke up early, took the SAT II writing (not difficult, made up a personal experience, it's all good), then went and drew all over Hanna's car (I love penguins, chicks and dicks, master-debater, riding chick), then went out to Coffeebean with Brandon.
Met Becca after the French SAT II, then went and saw The Punisher with her...they didn't card us at all, even though it was the galleria, so exciting.
Btw, so great to go there during the day, there aren't a million sophomores and HW kids there, and you can actually eat at Cheesecake factory (yummy)
We went to Tower cause it's becca and I, i bought the Brand New CD (yay), then saw Punisher...Good movie...violent but good. The ending is very well done.
Then almost got killed on the way home (guy decided to take a left at full speed in front of me, had to serve into the other side of Ventura and couldn't breathe after
Got home, made cookies (mm), then off to Cabaret (last one ever?? i can't believe it!)
Pranks (that i can remember):
On "and every last inch of me's covered with hair" the guys had fake hair stuck all over their chests and lifted up their shirts
During the Mary Poppins song, david h and adam f dressed in suits and beaks and did a penguin dance during the dance break
In god bless the outcasts, the guys all tried to reach for the girls on the stairs, and Jonah had a sign that said "will work for food", and James had a construction hat, begging for change
Adam Cochran did the seagull call in Kiss the girl
In heigh ho/someday, on "do it" in the girls song, they all did a pelvic thrust
The Jazz singers did war paint for their beginning circle of life
Adam F raised a simba in the end of circle of life
James with the Minnie Mouse head for "WHY"
And of course, the techie prank of "Roger" on the Mickey Mouse hat
Good times...
Then after, going to Coldstones with Madeline but walking out there, seeing the line, realized we had no money and went back and sat in the back of my car
Then the funniest part of my night
This car full of guys drives up, stops, looks at us, then the driver goes, dude, do you have some weed?
Oh man...madeline was like, no dude, and then we started cracking up and making a whole scheme to go find them, say we had weed, get their money, and then drive away, except that we were in the back of my car and lazy.
Then watching David and Gioachino go park in the lower lot when it was already partly closed off and we had heard them say no parking down there
Mad: Should we call and tell them they're not allowed to park down there?
Me: eh...
Mad: Gioachino's cell is off...oh well
Me: ha, sucks to be them
But then some guy told them and ruined our fun, lol
And then i went and slept over at mad's, and now i'm finally home, yay
(and then i found 10 bucks)
Heigh ho, heigh ho, off to homework we go
PS. Just got reminded of 2 more memories...
Madeline and I are sitting in the back of my car, after the weed guys have left...
Mad: Katy, you just wish you were a stoner. It would explain SO much of your behavior
Katy: I know...but damn, now it's just me.
Don't quite remember the before line, but it was implying i was a bad girl
Me: *peeks out from behind her hands* I'm a good girl. I'm agonna go to church tomorrow
Maybe you had to be as high (on life, since apparently we didn't have weed) as Mad and I were...lol
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