Aug 22, 2006 23:17
Summer is over. I blame the tsukutsukuboushi (yotsuba reference.. read it! its good for ur soul!!!!!... also relevant to pedobear's interests but that is NOT why i read it... thats why the Garcias do! (note how i can talk trash about em since they dont get on here! kekekekekeke)
Anywho....... Summer......... was mostly meh! the beggining was cool gettin more and more meh.. but then JOB GET!~.. and.. er... AQUARIUM GET!~... but was mostly uneventful and school starting was something i was lookin forward too till I got the job... and then school turned into a nightmare... I dont need more work damnit!...
Anywho(2nd time)... it cant be helped......
I will very much miss Japanese and Yabe sensei... I MAAAAAAAAY try to audit but who knows.. schedule is messed up... gyaaah so sad!!! how will that class survive without the local nerd/knowitall!?!!?!?!? LOL.. I somehow get this feeling that I wont be missed.. not by most in the class anywho..... but maybe ill visit intermediate and elementary classes ...haha...
My teachers seem to be evil this semester.. i hope i dont have to change too many clases...
Looks like I am very very very likely to just drop the Mech. Engineering major and go for Chem (which i love) or Bio (which i dont love as much but still do) major... wonder which one? Med school seems more and more appealing with every day at the lab...
Speaking of the lab... learning a lot and getting more and more work.... I dont seem to have a project specific to me quite yet.. but ive been helping out quite a few people ... there seems to be a project for me to do on my own coming up soon but im still waiting for reagents and antibodies to arrive so i can actually work on it...
As far as stuff Ive done which i kinda liked... my boss had me correct some messed up protocols... which I then got to put my name on.. i mean.. i did re-write and correct em so that makes me the author doenst it? yup.. sounds like it to me... anywho, if he complains of my name being there ill take it off.. but till then ill enjoy having papers with my name on em going around the lab...
I seem to be well liked by my coworkers which is cool.. we've already started planning outings and stuff for when teh boss leaves for italy.
Also, what is with these europeans anywho!? Why if ur from Italy u have to hate the guts of every other european who isnt italian!? ... I mean.. i can see why he doesnt like the french (some french dude walked into the lab today.. my boss's face was priceless... damn i wish i had a camera...). Also a lot of the people under him or working with him are european so its kinda funny hearing him complain about just about everyone.... but me. He still has nothing to complain about... untill he pH's the buffer solutions I made last thursday.. haha... eeeeeeeeeeeh........ lets hope i can remake em without him noticing... =S.
Another observation: Americans are lazy. EVERYTHING.. EVERYTHING is bought here and there.. and lab stuff's expensive damnit!!! The problem is... all this expensive stuff can be made from relatively cheap stuff .. very easily too . . . yah sure, time is money but no way in hell time is worth that much! XD
What else... gyah.. the idea of starting school is killing me and i know im forgetting something....who knows... Longpost is LOOOOOOOOOOOONG enough already...
Well... Ill see most of u guys tommorow anyway... damn im gonna miss jill... but ill be seeing her every so often at work so its all good....... <3
Guess thats it for now... see u guys soon!