Work in the morning. For once my boss was rather pleased with the results of this weeks experiments. Went to school to play cards for a bit and meet with Jenny who ended up not going to school cause she hurt a toe and couldnt walk... So after a couple of card games I went to buy Chinese food to share with Jenny. Ate with her at her her place and played videogames. Final Fantasy 12 is awesome. I need to get it. I also need to get around to talkin to her about stuffs >__>... and I will this week if it kills me. . . kyaaa wish meh luck!!
Saturday :
Absolutely nothing! Slept until 2pm. My boss's wife and kids were @ my place for some reason. Boss got here much later but they left after a few hours. Playin Pokemon a lot... and hacking the hell out of it.. heheheh
Also FINALLY got around to organizing one of my hard drive partitions and my desktop
Again not much. Woke up late. cleaned out my fish again. Went to fish store and bought a new urchin cause stupid fish ATE the old one . . . . this is a different kind and the fish seems completely uninterested in it.. which is good
Purple Tuxedo Urchin:
Also, mushroom corals keep gettin bigger and bigger... and I bought a small Sun coral which u can sorta see in the back of this pic (ones in the front are all mushrooms)
This week looks meh. Friday I will be signing the contract for the new house. I also need to make a will since the house is technically mine but if anything happens it should go to my mom and bro's or something.. saa.... If anyone wants my stuff once im dead this would be a good time to hint at stuff and be very nice to meh ^_^