TOO much time on my hands....

Feb 25, 2004 12:35

1. Who did you last get angry with? kenny. enough said. lol
2. What is your weapon of choice? witty comebacks and PLAYING people!
3. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? if they made me mad enough...
4. How about of the same sex? if they made me mad enough...
5. Who was the last person who got really angry at you? kenny. enough said. lol
6. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? no i forgive and forget easily if its ppl i love

1. What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time? take a shower. lol jk
2. What is the latest you've ever woken up? oh 4 or 5pm
3. Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't: angela
4. What is the last lame excuse you made? i dont really make any...i just do what i want when i want...i dont answer to ANYONE aaahh!
5. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through? yea why not? its only sad when you actually get up, go to the phone, and buy the product theyre selling.
6. When was the last time you got a good workout in? well that depends on if you mean at the gym or in the bedroom...
7. Did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today? nah i didnt even use one

1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? mint mochas from Cosi in philly
2. Meat eaters: get lots of protein
3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? well sadly there were those 5 or 6 day drinking binges i used to go on where i was just constantly drunk, but these days its just one or two and im done
4. Have you ever used a professional diet company? no but i do take those diet pills for energy works
5. Do you have an issue with your weight? not anymore, i used to when i was a kid when i had baby fat
6. Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods? sweets *yum*
7. Have you ever looked at a small housepet or child and thought, "LUNCH"? no......ok maybe once or jk

1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)? i dunno, probably more than most ppl, its not really a big deal if youre comfortable with your own body
2. How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)? probly bout the same amount^
3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation? ha ha yeah happens
5. What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice? lips
6. Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? Nope...a couple of man whores, but i never took them up on their offers
7. Have you ever had to get tested for an STD or pregnancy? yes both came out negative (duh)

1. How many credit cards do you own? none yet thank god
2. What's your guilty pleasure store? urban outfitters in center city....i get lost in there
3. If you had $1 million, what would you do with it? well first id pay off all my jk
4. Would you rather be rich, or famous? rich...famous ppl have no privacy
5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks? hell yeah! but id sneak in one of those portable dvd players (cause i could afford one with megabucks)and watch that all day
6. Have you ever stolen anything? yep, a whole lot in my day. not anymore tho, im good now ;)
7. How many MP3s are on your hard drive? 148

1. What one thing have you done that you're most proud of? the closest ppl to me know this answer, and thats all that need to know....lets just say i beat something almost impossible for me to beat
2. What have you done to make your parents proud? well it always makes them proud when i perform somewhere
3. What thing would you like to accomplish in your life? leaving my mark...creating a legacy
4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? depends on what im doing
5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? sure
6. Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score? not on anything that mattered
7. What did you do today that you're proud of? wrote a song, music only for now

1. What item (or person) of your friends would you most want to have for your own? their originality
2. Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? erin cause she wants to be an interior decorator
3. If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be? i think id wanna see what it would be like to be britney spears
4. Have you ever been cheated on? yep, hardcore....and let me tell you it ruins your trust in every other guy
5. Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? yeah who hasnt
6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? nah, im good with my inborn traits
7. Do you wish you'd come up with this survey? eh...nope not really
8. Finally, what is your favorite deadly sin? lust....hee hee

7 Virtues
1. What religion do you follow? christianity in general
2. What religion were you raised as? Baptist
3. Do you believe that forgiveness is a religious property, or a human property? human
4. Do you believe in magic? some
5. What was the last promise you broke? tellin jt id pay him back the next day....and just avoided his calls
6. Have you ever said the words to a prayer and not meant it? yes sadly
7. Do you believe that anyone could be perfect? nope everyone has flaws, even though some hide them well

1. Did you get everything you wanted over the holiday season? more than enough
2. Regarding your future, what is the best thing you could hope for? success, and most of all, peace of mind, which right now seems impossible
3. Do you let yourself get your hopes up for something even if you know that there is a large chance of failure? yea ive done that
5. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? the scratch off ones are addictiing
6. Do you gamble? yea in AC when i can get away with it lol
7. Have you ever had something called off on account of bad weather, but then gone ahead and done it anyway? yea, rain makes everything more fun and more interesting lol

1. What causes do you support? any that make sense
2. What causes have you given money or time to? well i give my old clothes away
3. Have you ever worked in a soup kitchen or done another kind of outreach for the homeless? nope
4. Would you ever consider joining the Peace Corps, Amnesty International, or another travel-inherent worldwide charity group? the Peace Corps maybe someday
5. Do you give money to the homeless on the street? well i used to but the endless crackheads in north philly that used to bug us college students kinda ruined that aspect of chrity for me
6. Have you ever helped out a friend with basic needs, like rent or food? HA! oooohhh yeah when i shouldnt have
7. What's the greatest extent you've gone to help a friend in need? i would do anything if they meant enough to me

1. What are you most afraid of? being lied to, because its so easy for some ppl to do
2. What did you do today that was really brave?
explained my feelings on livejournal for everyone to see.
3. Who is your favorite superhero, and why? i guess Sailor Moon, shes cute
4. Would you put your life in danger to rescue someone? Yes.
5. If you were to face the Wizard, would you want more courage, more brains, or more heart? heart, because ive lost so much of mine
6. Have you ever gotten stage fright? nah never...ive been performing too damn long
7. Do you consider yourself to be a leader or a follower? definite leader, even tho some would call me a follower, just based on pre-judgements

1. Have you ever been summoned for jury duty? not yet
2. If they reinstituted the draft (for both genders), would you go, or would find some way out of it? id go support my country
3. Do you support capital punishment (the death penalty)? depends on the crime
4. Do you believe that Dubya is rightfully President of the USA? yea i dont understand
5. What was your favorite media circus trial? dont follow them
6. Have you ever written a letter to a politician? nah

1. What do you have the hardest time moderating yourself on? ice cream!
2. Do you collect anything? little porcelain animals
3. Are you addicted to anything? we WONT even go there
4. Have you ever put anything on layaway or used an installment plan? nope never had to do that
5. What's your preferred method of paying for things? "Dad? Can i borrow some money?"
6. Tell us one thing you wish you hadn't let yourself do: i dont regret a thing. i just learn.
7. Do you feel that you obsess over things? i think everyone does sometimes

1. Who is the wisest person youve known? nate, even though thats hard for some ppl to understand
2. Have you ever participated in a vigil? nah
3. Do you take advice when it's given? yes i love 'constructive' criticism
4. What area are you wisest in? i dont believe anyone my age can be "wisest" in anything.....we all have so much to learn.....that was the hardest lesson ive ever learned let me tell you
5. Do you drive defensively? hah yea a little too defensively
6. Have you ever had unprotected sex outside of marriage? maybe, maybe not
7. What did you learn today? that ive changed who i thought i was a million times in the past year, b/c i thought i was sooooo damn smart...ive humbled alot in the past year
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