May 28, 2008 18:10
So for the past week, we've been moving our lab off-campus. We should be pretty much finished today, just in time for me to leave for D.C. at a ridiculously early and unmentionable time tomorrow morning. I'm unsure if my complete exhaustion today is from the lab move, from the strange dreams I've been having, or if all the stress from the past semester has decided to catch up and squish me for the entire month of May. Or maybe I'm just being silly and lazy...but I am tired.
The new lab space is nice, but we don't have an office yet, so that means I'll be working entirely in the lab. (Oh, I still have to move all my office stuff...) But my equipment will hopefully be set up by the time I get back to work on Monday, so I'll be able to start my summer experiments next week. The nice thing is this new place is closer to my apartment, and I'll hopefully be able to bike to work once I'm all settled. I rented a bike from MSU and I rode it around running errands on Saturday. It was so much fun! I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed riding my bike growing up. I'm excited to get to ride more.
And...I'm enjoying learning how to play my new guitar. :D