No...It's not like in II Kings where the prophets cook a soup with poisonous gourds. (See
II Kings 4 for the excitement as Elisha saves the day...) They had CrockPots on sale at Kroger this week for the Super Bowl, and I bought one. What's the big deal, you ask?
I think every single woman has one. That one item, that signifies all of the sundry presents you receive when you get married. For Sarah it was a cheese grater. For me it was the CrockPot. I have put it off as long as I was able, but I've wanted a CrockPot for a very long time now. I finally gave in at 25. I've bought dishes, knives, pots and pans. I've gotten a blender and a coffee pot as Christmas presents. Nothing says "You're an Old Maid" like that CrockPot that's sitting on the dining room table. It even says it better than my Dad's family (who only say it in their sighs for another wedding). Not that I'm upset. I find it terribly amusing with a tinge of poignancy. And buying my CrockPot by no means implies that I'll never get just means that I'm getting more limited in what I can register for. Eventually, given enough time, I'll have everything I want/need and will have to ask for people to donate their gift money to buy goats for poor people in third world countries.
I guess that the only thing that's left is for me to get a KitchenAid Mixer. Those things are sweet!