Nov 11, 2013 22:02
Would someone PLEASE tell Pinky to get off her ass and take her education seriously?
Oh, wait; apparently that's MY job. Well, apparently I'm failing that miserably.
Not sure whether I've mentioned this before, but the first month of school, we had some MAJOR issues with Pinky skipping school. To the point of forging my signature on excuse notes. As soon as I found out about it, I came down hard, and it ended, and she was goddamn lucky that I didn't rat her out to the school about it, and she knew it - because that would have resulted in in-school suspension. What she didn't know was that I asked the school to call me whenever she was absent from school and they hadn't heard directly from me.
So this morning, I get a call from Becky at the school, telling me Pinky is not there. "Is [NeighborGirl] there? Pinky texted me that she was getting a ride from her." Yep, Neighbor Girl was at school. Hrrrrmmm...
Called Pinky's cell. No answer. Texted "You'd better call me." Checked the neighboring school, which her BF attends, to see if THEY had school today, which they did. Finally got ahold of her; she claimed that NG had decided not to drive to school, so Pinky set her alarm for 5 min and went back to sleep. [mind you, this is TWO HOURS LATER] I SEE. Told her to get ready for school, I was leaving work.
Left work, drove back home. Called DM on the way, he agreed this was a big deal and that he would support whatever I chose to do. Once home, took her phone away, changed passwords on the computer and ordered her to put her laptop in my trunk. Brought her to school, told Becky, "I'm delivering [fullname] to school." Allowed Pinky to explain herself. Becky asked whether I wanted this to be excused or unexcused. I told her "She will be punished at home; you guys do what you feel is appropriate."
Becky's not stupid. She has to know there's a reason I specifically asked them to call me in Pinky's absence, even if they supposedly have a note from me. Did I mention that I graduated with Becky? And she knows my mom was a teacher?
She wisely decided to give Pinky an unexcused tardy for 3rd period, and to refer the first two periods to the vice-principal, from whom we haven't heard anything yet.
Given the text Pinky sent to DM after I spoke with her but before I confiscated her phone, I'm inclined to believe her. But it's still a stupid choice, to lie down for another 5 minutes. And when I told her she was grounded for the next two weeks, she felt that was extreme. But when I offered her the option of giving up her phone overnight and having the grounding end in 4 days, she felt that she "had to think about it".
She just brought up the phone. Ok, then.