Everyone around here should already know how much I ♥
kerryblaze. Well I still haven't read all of her stuff, but I'm catching up. Today, while
griffstudent and I were squeeing over
simons_flower (and while she beat me over the head to finish a challenge) she rec'ced me a
kerryblaze story I hadn't read yet. OMFG! So fucking HOT!!! So I'm going to pimp...
Changes (3 parts) It's H/R for those of you who come here for the H/D. Jae! Haha.
Another pimp...
I was being utterly silly and challenged
enchanted_jae to write a drabble based on her mistyping her own username as enchanted_jam. You H/D lovers so go check it out because it's freaking hot too.
Enchanted Jam ***
I did finish the challenge I got beat over the head for. I sent it to
griffstudent for beta and then I'll post it. That means I only have one challenge left for this month. *SQUEE* I have to write and post it drunk. So guess what I'm doing this weekend? Haha.
Ok, it's 6:30am and I'm barely going to bed. Luckily, hubby is getting off early tomorrow today, so he said he'll let me sleep in if I stop staying up this late to begin with. As long as I get that challenge done, I won't be staying up this late.
And Trisha, I'll get to that sequel when I wake up. I didn't even know you were writing one. OMG! *is so excited* *insert fangirl scream here*