My first week of summer vacation I FINALLY read Deathly Hallows. Yes, I had the book sitting there for nearly a year without touching it. I honestly couldn't find the time no matter how hard I tried.
I noticed that last summer when Dade was gone and I was on summer break alone I ended up getting a puppy. This summer I finally got the cat i've always wanted.
I've been wanting a cat since I moved in, but the Italian told me he wouldn't come over anymore if I got one so I put it off. I finally got him to lighten up on the idea and then two days later she showed up.
I went to my mom's house to do laundry as usual. The washer is in the backyard and the dryer is in the front yard (yeah stupid i know) and when I went to throw my clothes in the dryer the dogs got out in the front yard. Suddenly I noticed them bouncing under the mimosa tree and went to look. They chased a cat up the tree. After my mom got them back inside and I climbed up to get her down I realized she was only about 6 months old and so precious. I have a rule about pets with no collars having no homes so I decided to keep her.
So at home I'm trying to make her comfortable and let her know she's found a loving home. I give her a can of moist food and as she's eating I realize that her head is really small compared to the size of her body. First uh oh. Then I start rubbing her belly and realize her nipples are showing. Second uh oh. No, this can't be, she's only 6 months old. When I found her I described her to my best friend as quiet, but loving. She likes to be on her own, but when she wants love she'll be all over you. Anyway, I look it up online and yep...quiet and loving...third uh oh. She's only 6 months old, but she's also pregnant. And she only has 1-3 weeks to go. So i'm really glad I found her because I wouldn't want her on the street like that, and I've had a pregnant cat before so I'm prepared.
Me and the Italian couldn't think of a name for her. I kept jokingly calling her Abby as in Abby Normal and he liked it. Sometimes we call her Abby Tabby since she's a gray tabby cat. She's very happy here and it's nice having someone to come home to. But she does know how to bitch quite well when she wants attention and she's REALLY good at sitting on the couch giving me dirty looks when I walk through to door after several hours away.
Well I'm going to go curl back up with her. And I'm probably going to start another book too. I'm trying to decide between two of my John Rechy books, a Christopher Moore book I just bought, or the next book in the Douglas Adam series. Hmmmm....the choices. Btw, anyone want to talk Deathly Hallows with squee and stuff? :)