Mar 01, 2011 10:50
Ugh, life is just passing me by these days.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I do nothing. I try to use the time for writing, but it doesn't go so well. And I was trying to find a job, but it does get quite discouraging after awhile.
Tuesday and Thursday, I actually break out of the house, only to sit through boring classes, and in between those boring classes, to sit in the library.
I need some kind of employment. Gainful or no.
Maybe I need to start some kind of regementation for my MWF. Something to keep me from sitting around all day.
The thing is, I'm horrible at following schedules.
I think I'd feel better if I was working toward a goal, but...there really isn't one now. I'm trying to graduate from school, sure, but there's nothing to look forward to after that. There still won't be any jobs for English majors, not without more education.
Everyone always asks me if I want to teach. No, not particularly, but I would, if that was the only career possibility. Thing is, whether I went secondary or post-secondary, I would still need to get more schooling to get certified/get my masters. And even then, it would be hard to find a job when your subject is not exactly in high demand (though it SHOULD be).
It's very strange to me. I've ALWAYS had a plan for my life. That plan changed often, but it was always there. Now, sans plan, I'm kind of just flailing around in the wind.
So fail, so fail.
katie is a loony,
katie is being totally emo,