Okay, who am I kidding? I have to talk about it. Now.
I didn't think it was actually possible to love Edward more...but I do.
This whole movie was just...so heart-wrenching. From the start. The pained look on his face when Jacob popped up at the school...and why does Jacob get to give Bella a present and not him...and QUOTING ROMEO AND JULIET HOLY FUCK I ORGASMED. I never really got into the whole Romeo and Juliet aspect until that moment right there.
And then the birthday party... I kind of did a double take during the talk with Carlisle, because he's noooot supposed to think they're damned...but whatev, I guess they didn't want to add confusion with metaphysical debate.
Oh my god, the kiss when he took her home? I was a totally wreck. You could just -see- on his face that he'd made up his mind...oh, it was horrible.
So, so painful to watch...gah. And then, just like with the book, I was a sobbing mess during the October-January bit. I was kind of confused as to why they never -showed- one of her nightmares, because without that explanation of what's in them, it's kind of hard to get why she's screaming...but that's for people who didn't read the book to deal with, I guess.
The Jacob stuff didn't bother me as much as I thought it would...maybe because it was so much quicker to get through in the movie than the book, I dunno. I think they did a good job, too, of making a distinction between Jake's feelings and Bella's...I was afraid they were going to play up the love triangle too much, but it seemed pretty clear that Bella just couldn't go there.
Loved all of Alice's dog insults. Teehee. Atta girl.
OMG, when Edward called, and they showed him, and... *sob* If you heard a cracking noise there...that was my heart.
Edward with the Volturi was just...awesome. Loved how he took a bit of a 'tude with them. "Go to hell." Bwahaha.
I thought the reunion was a little rushed...I could have used more. Why no eloquent Edward monologue? I don't think the movie really did him justice in that respect...he deserved more justification.
Love what Bella said, though, about needing to see him one last time to let him go...heartbreaking.
The Volturi stuff was just...awesome. Definitely amped up the drama. Aro is the creepiest, most hilarious shit. Loved all the Edward action, of course. He doesn't get nearly enough action scenes in the books. And, yes, that is a double entendre.
For some reason, a bunch of people in our theater started laughing at Alice's vision of Bella as a vampire...and if I had been a vampire, I would have been snapping some necks...so rude.
The rest of the ending felt pretty rushed, too...the rapid flip from Italy to Forks to the vote... I wish they'd stuck with how it went in the books, with Bella left in suspense about Edward's feelings until they got back to Forks...I really wish they'd given him more to explain himself...gah.
Loved the final scene. Edward trying to be the bigger man...Jacob being an immature little shit... LOVED when Bella told him not to make her choose, because she'd choose Edward. HA. Aherm.
And OH MY GAWD I just died when they ended it at MARRY ME. Okay, could nooooot turn down that offer. I don't know how Bella could. *shakes head* Boggles the mind.
Hmmm...what else... Charlie was the cutest shit. I know he's going to be all pain-in-the-ass and pro-Jacob next movie, but Dad of the Year for this one, for sure. I really don't see the appeal of the wolf pack? Okay, sure, they have muscles, but they have some of the ugliest mugs I've ever seen. I'll take Edward's pale, skinny ass and fine facial features anyday, thank you.
OOOH, I forgot about Bella's dream! Guh, that first sighting of Edward was just...guh. But toooootally creepy there at the end. o.0 Seeing Edward and old!Bella really made that whole thing hit home...I can't really blame Bella for being really freaked out about it.
Alice, adorable. Haha, and Jasper was hilarious. It'll be nice not to want to eat you...hahaha. And MIKE. What an adorable little golden retriever.
...They never explained that Edward had been tracking Victoria. Harumph.
Hmm...think that's all for now. Going to have to see it a few more times, for sure.
Edward... *sigh* Oh, I love you.
ETA: Oh, and I want the score. Now.
And I love how much of the dialogue came straight from the book. It was well-done in that regard.
ETA 2: Oh, and I totally got all in a tizzy at the opening with the full moon waning? I was like, "NO, MOON, COME BACK!"
And I loved Bella telling Edward to just shut up when they had the vote, lol.
Listening to the score now...omg. Such beautiful music.