(no subject)

Jun 24, 2008 00:08

OMG, country, WTF is wrong with you?

Okay, yeah, I feel sorry for all the people who have serious flood issues right now.

But blaming FEMA for not -forcing- you to buy flood insurance?

That's just dumb. You live by the fucking river. GEE, WOULDN'T IT BE A GOOD IDEA? And now, of course, the politicians are all, "OMG, what an outrage, we need to make flood insurance mandatory for everyone!" *facepalm* What? I don't get it. What's with -requiring- insurance in this country? Why doesn't the government just insure everything and then we wouldn't -need- the effing insurance companies. Gee, that could apply to healthcare and homes, too...

And furthermore, nobody seems to be addressing the real issue here: WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BUILDING IN AREAS WHERE LEVEES ARE REQUIRED TO KEEP THE RIVER AT BAY?


Epic stupid, America. Epic stupid.

ETA: Now, I'm no fan of John McCain, but who the eff cares if one of his supporters said a terrorist attack would help him? Yeah, it's uncomfortable, but it's true. Jesus Christ, any time anyone says anything true in this country they have to run away from it as fast as they can because it's not politically correct.

Just like Obama saying the other day that Republicans would use scare tactics against him, especially in reference to his funny name and race. Also true. Maybe I have a special perspective, since I know people that do get jumpy with his funny name and dark skin, but jebus, any idiot knows that's what the Republicans will do - it's what they always do.


Gah. Why do I watch the news?

ETA2: Um, John McCain? You may have the experience, but judgment? No, I seriously doubt that. Something has addled your brains - I don't know if it was the war or if it's old age or you were just born stupid, but your ideas make absolutely no sense.

ETA3: Why should Barack Obama have to do a damned thing to help settle Hilary's debt? She's the one who thought it was a great idea to stay in a race she couldn't win for months. WTH?

Eeeeeddddwaaaard, eat them, pleeeeease.

*sigh* Seriously, why do I watch the news?

And don't you like how I worked Edward into a political rant?

ETA4: Um...again, John McCain? Why are your "big ideas for serious problems" all one word long? Is it because people would realize what a joke you are if you actually explained your "big ideas" - like offshore drilling, cash rebates to giant carbon-emitting corporations, and a gas tax holiday? Woooo. I'm soooo impressed.

ETA5: Yes, I'm still watching the news. No, I don't know why. This is all Anderson Cooper's fault. But, anyway. The school with all the pregnant girls with their dumbass pact?

YEAH, THIS IS WHY SEX ED IS IMPORTANT. Someone needed to give those girls a big pile of condoms and tell them exactly what happens when you get pregnant - from the stretchmarks to the morning sickness to the watermelon-sized thing coming out your vagina which will never be the same size again, to the PARASITE YOU'LL HAVE TO CARE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Dumbasses.

Just give the kids condoms, because their education has not made them smart enough to be allowed to procreate. Thanks, No Child Left Behind.

I think all schools should have the logic and reasoning class I had to take my first year of college.

headdesk, rant, morons, idiocy, wtf

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