Lol, more questions as I continue to exercise my incredible spamming powers!
fiiishy What's something you like that nobody else seems to?
Lol, Bella? Ummm...I know there's got to be something. Politics. I love politics, and I annoy a lot of people with it, but I also know people who love it as much as I do. Mitt Romney? I don't want him to be president or anything, but he craaaacks my shit up.
Do you have any nicknames?
A few, mostly in my family. Nothing fun - no one EVER gives me fun nicknames. *pout* My grandpa used to call me Katydid. My grandma called me her "little angel" which...was mostly ironic, not that she realized it. My mom calls me "Kate" when she's too lazy to say my full name, but I hate it.
Which would be worse, having every book in the universe disappearing or the internet disappearing?
0.0 OMG. That's hooooorrrrible. Um...I guess...the books would be worse. I mean, without the internet I'd be bored silly and I'd have no friends, but without books I would have no way to escape the fact that I had no friends and was bored silly. And besides, without books, there'd be no fanfic, and the internet would be much more boring...
What are some funny movies you would deem more your "taste"?
Lol, um... I (shamefully) love Will Farrell movies. And Monty Python. Stuff on the batshit random track. Death at a Funeral was hilarious... Umm...I'm not a big "funny movie" person. When I want comedy, I just go for some Eddie Izzard or Lewis Black or Bill Maher. And I generally find something worthy of cracking up over in -every- movie, so they're all comedies to me.
Who would win in a fight between Gaspard Ulliel and Robert Pattinson (given they have equal vampirey powers)?
Good gawd, that's hard. On the one hand, Gaspard runs like a girl...but he did prove his fighting skillz in Jacquou. And R Pattz is, you know, British. They both have superior dazzling skills and lovely accents. I guess it comes down to which is more impairing - Frenchness or Britishness. I'd have to put my money on Gaspard, I guess...he's bigger. And R Pattz doesn't seem quite coordinated enough to win against "bigger."