Jul 06, 2007 13:44
Work is descending rapidly into utter shitness.
Yeah, our big boss lady comes over and informs us that we'll be switching places, essentially, with the department next to us, and we're doing it on Wednesday. So I'll be moving out of the supply closet and into a nice little open cubicle where everyone can socialize with me!
Fuck. ing. hell. These people are irritating enough with a fake wall between us. They keep coming over and going, "Ooh, yay, Katie, you won't be isolated anymore!" and I'm like, "Is that supposed to be a good thing?"
The world just doesn't understand introverts. I mean, I don't just prefer being by myself. Society drains me. I'm like a battery, and people are electronic equipment - zaps me just like that. I need space. I need QUIET, which I certainly don't get enough of now, and it'll be even worse when I'm in the middle of it.
This also means I'm going to have someone looking over my shoulder ALL the TIME. That's so irritating.
Ugh, I hope they don't drive me to murder. I don't think I'd handle jail well.
jesus h roosevelt christ,
you're shitting me,
oh hell,