7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable

Aug 15, 2006 09:59

This is a great article that my boy sent me:

I especially like the excerpt below from the article:

"So did we really need a study to tell us that more than 40% of what you say in an e-mail is misunderstood? Well, they did one anyway.

What's startling for me is realizing more than half of my "friends" are online-only. I've never talked to them on the phone or in person. So, if 40% of my personality has gotten lost in the text transition, do these people even know me? Do they know David, or do they know Text David, a guy who is 40% different than the real thing?

The people that dislike you via text, on message boards or chatrooms or whatever, is it because you're really incompatible or is it because of the misunderstood 40 percent?

And the people who like you via text... well I hate to break it to you, but..."

This is so dead on. I really do enjoy my online friends, but I do have to agree with the above.
This is why I'm trying to limit important communication to face-to-face communication only. After having friendships end through e-mail, AIM and being "unfriended" on LJ and MySpace while hiding behind a computer screen, I can't help but do so. Fuck this lame-ass shit! Sorry to anyone who takes this out of context. It's likely because you're only getting 40% of what I am thinking. I'm not gonna spend all day typing LJ posts. I've recently discovered that my best quality friendships involve very little if any online communication. The online communication is mostly just to email photos and links.
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