Jun 06, 2004 03:06
please don't steal other ppl's stuff. for real. >=I
magic mountain was fun..only rode 4 rides and waited in line for those for 6 or 7 hours, but it was good company - adm paul, mike ahn, sty, eusden, johnny, weili, sam, sam, pat, meesh, janet, naomi... i must be getting too old for my favorite rollercoasters bc i lost vision twice during a couple of the rides and my head was throbbing for a while. oh well. rollercoaster fun > pain. me n naomi got stuck at the top of goliath for a few minutes. it was kinda freaky..i almost got scared but then we foudn out everythign was fine. adn then we came out of the ride...to find our purses stolen. "fudge". some stupid ppl decided it would be great to steal our stuff and run off with the valuable stuff (ie 4 of our phones, all our money, and a new, expensive camera). stupid idiots. ugh.
stupid stupid. after we dealt with that, we went to hodori and i <3 boba. good stuff.
what a tiring, strangely happy and sad day. i'm butt tired. i have tons of work to do. good nite.