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Jan 10, 2011 20:05

Okay, it's definitely back to work this week! Holy moly, I don't like looking at my appointment book.

I've taken on a new responsibility at the studio which basically starts this week. I am now the Key Master (always wanted to say that!) for the bands that use our space to rehearse in. So four days a week I need to be at the studio to unlock the doors and disarm the security system when the bands arrive, and there to lock back up when they leave.  Really, anybody could do this job, there is pretty much always someone at the studio in the evening. The problem is that to rely on the fact that someone will be around kind of leaves the band in a jam if nobody is there, like if everyone decides to go out for dinner, or they are at a shoot or who knows what reason. This way, I am responsible with the job, so I have to plan my time around doing it.

So, now I'm working on planning around doing it. It's not a difficult task, but there are times it becomes a juggling act. Like this past Thursday when I had a networking meeting and I had to leave early to get to the studio, and then also had to leave the yoga studio early to get back to the studio to lock up after them! At least once a week I have an evening meeting and will need to schedule around that to do my key master duties. Thankfully tomorrow's band has changed nights, so I don't have to worry about leaving a meeting halfway through.

As well, I've agreed to help my brother out by taking his dog out on the nights that he is at work. He used to live with a roommate, who also had a dog, but now he's all by himself in an apartment. So when he leaves for work and then doesn't come back for 10 hours his dog is left all by herself. She would be fine, but he's concerned she may also get lonely since she also doesn't have her dog friend either. So five nights a week I am also needing to schedule a visit to my brothers. Since he lives across the street from me, and the studio is basically at the top of our street this won't involve a lot of traveling, but juggling.

And then there is the podcast. We are recording a new episode this week. It will be the first episode we don't have shows to review. We are going to try something for this episode and then record a regular one next time.

I'm very committed to the new podcast I want to do. I've been working on the concept, and getting in touch with people about recording with me. I'm thinking about doing a longer episode, but recording less frequently. I'm also playing with the idea of having revolving co-hosts, that way more music is covered. I've definitely decided to do it about music. I've found the right distribution I think. It won't be just out there the way Limited Release is, it will actually be part of a larger online presence. I'm excited about it.

Hmm, I knit a bit today, but I don't think I'll get much more in. And I'm still a few pages behind the 20 pages, but I was way ahead yesterday so I'm not too worried. The only problem is the book is due back tomorrow to the library and I've already renewed it. I'm 3/4 of the way through. I will take some time tomorrow, leave the house and finish it.
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