Dec 13, 2004 01:03
I am sick. again. I would take excedrin for my throbbing mindache, but the muchous (How the hell does one spell muchous?) that covers my throat will not allow it passage. Eww.
Now for the deep stuff:
I've realized something tonight, thanks in part to Paul and Sammy. (<3 much) I have come to the conclusion that in trying si hard to find a boyfriend, I'm really fucking myself. When I meet a guy I automatically go into courtship mode where I try to see if he will make a good boyfriend. Still with me? good. So by doing that Im really rushing into things a bit faster than I should. I mean, I should get to know the person before even thinking of that kind of stuff. I dont need a boyfriend. I've just been telling myself that I do. I want a boyfriend. But why should I put so much energy into jumping into a serious relationship, when all good relationships are based on connection and friendship. Its stupid, I know. I'm even more of an OCD case than Allison.
Also, I snuck out tonight to see Ocean's 12. Brad Pitt made it so worthwhile.