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Jun 24, 2009 18:01

I'm not really sure if anyone still actually reads this. Does the general public still even use Livejournal?

Things have been well, I finally got caught up on rest and cleaning and laundry from the trip to NH. Everything was backed up and messed up but I'm getting into the groove again, thank goodness. I've also been trying to cut my coffee intake in half daily and so far it's been a struggle (I'm a big grouch at work most of the time) but it'll get easier. Once we move I'll invest in a coffee pot and that will help save money.

Took Desi to IKEA the other day, it was her first time! Bought some fun, semi-useless stuff and some cacti! Because we needed something green and alive in the house. We've also settled on adopting a Maine Coon once we've moved. The breed is better for what E wants in a cat (likes to play, super smart, big, etc) and I love 'em anyway so it works for me. In the next month or so we'll start shelter hopping and hopefully we'll find a good fit for our family.

I'm still working on fixing some shit. I realized that I live too far into the future now, I'm constantly planning on what comes next instead of being happy with where I am. I think it'll be a hard thing for me to change but not changing is making the people around me unhappy. If that makes sense. There's other stuff but I feel like that is the most relevant right now.

Went out to the 'foot last night (like usual) and it was fun. Tonight some of us are going to Ground Kontrol for free play night. The boys are planning on getting some Fallout time in beforehand so I'm trying to think of something fun to make for everyone for dinner. It's nice having the day off to clean and make the bed and cook! It'll be nicer when we move and I have a whole kitchen to myself. I can start baking again!

I think that's pretty much the update. I'm trying to get back on board with taking pictures so hopefully those will follow.
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