In Fifties Germany, a tram conductor embarks on an intellectual and erotic affair with a 15 year-old schoolboy. Despite their intense bond, Michael is left confused and heartbroken when Hanna mysteriously disappears one day. Years later the pair are reunited, as Michael watches Hanna being put on trial, and the reasons for her departure soon become clear and many deep secrets are uncovered.
Mmm... First, call me PC if you want but the idea of a grown-up woman with a 15-year-old boy is highly disturbing to me and it took me a while to get over this.
Once I finally overcame this, the film had moved on, and it was like I was watching something totally different (transition can be nice, guys): a film about a trial of Nazi criminals (and really, I don't want to see another film about WW2).
Then, the whole film is slow and cold... I would usually consider that to be a good thing, but I must admit I got bored quite a lot, here. I could never feel for or relate to any character.
This was a disappointment and definitely NOT the film I would have chosen to finally give Kate Winslet an Oscar. I'll still give it 3 hearts for her, though.