Eric and Miranda know the last several weeks have included my first and currently only YouTube subscription: the video blogs by "lonelygirl15." Surprisingly well made, assumedly by this 15 year old and her friend, the last few days have unmasked the true nature of this highly-popular series. Today, while I was out having the time of my life with Miranda -- pancakes in Noe Valley, downtown by train, books at Cody's, trinkets at MOMA, postcard at Canvas, picnic in Golden Gate, excursion in the garden, paintings by Monet, coffee with Peet's, a bientôt at the station... wow, what an fortuitous and genuinely outstanding day! -- the New York Times ran a great article on the exposed actress and her filmmaking/legal entourage
just wanted the movie deal. I was a little surprised, but it was my "reality" TV fix for a few weeks there. Just in time: YouTube seems to be going the way of MySpace to Fox, says the rumor mill. I'm happy to trade in. What's on next?