Oh My Gawd, They Live!!!!

Jan 05, 2016 07:40

Yes!! And how was YOUR 2015?!?


Now, erase erase erase and onto better things we hope.

Y. and I have been up all night talking (because his father was rushed to the E.R. It NEVER ENDS for this foursome!!) and the subject of AWESOME SERIES FINALES came up, followed of course with HOW COULD THAT SHOW JUMP THE SHARK THAT BADLY..... WHY DID SUCH AMAZING WRITERS F$#K US IN THE END!!!!????!?!

Then we said "don't we have a blog to discuss this sort of thing with like minded people?!?" (Just Kidding, we never forgot you guys)

I was going to make a poll... But I need some of your nominations for best SERIES finale' and or the FREAKING worst!!!

All ideas/suggestions with go into the poll, to be made within a week.

All healthy discussion/ disagreement/ conversation encouraged.


P.S. Sorry life got hectic but, I've really missed you all....

television, series finales, special blog stuff

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