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Although we mentioned him and his films often, as you can see by checking his tag, the only film of HIS that I/We have reviewed was one of my favourites, Terry Gilliam's "The Fisher King" here: I remember when watching Steven Spielberg talking about making "Schindler's List" he said he should give half the Oscar to Robin because EVERY WEEK in Europe, when Steven was so depressed and felt he couldn't "go on" with making such a movie, he would call L.A. and call up Robin and say "Make me Laugh, friend!!" and after an hour on the phone long distance every week with Robin Williams, Spielberg would be in hysterics and say "OK... I can go back to the set tomorrow."
Granted, he was a comic that is once in a generation... but his dramatic works that are often overlooked... should be remembered... he was nominated for a few Oscar's before finally winning for "Good Will Hunting" and help launch two more careers (that was the movie star power they needed to get people to see their indy script).
James Lipton just said that they got an Emmy for "The Actor's Studio"s 250th show.. and in 20 years, there was a poll of who was the best and out of 250 actors or casts, Lipton said Robin Williams won the poll of 'Best Actor's Studio Guest.'"
Hopefully Tomorrow I can put up a Poll of his films... I am in shock... I think he, Morgan Freeman, and Tom Hanks are the most "beloved" American actors and LEAST likely (we would think) to go this way.
Feel Free to share your feelings.... And if YOU need help.. Don't let the sadness get you alone in a dark room... open the blinds and call a friend over.
I know I have been called in the middle of the night by friends at the end of their rope... and I know I have made that call before....