"The Suicide Plan" a Documentary and a Poll.

Oct 25, 2013 03:00

I obviously just watched a compelling and complex documentary called...

I honestly had a post written in my head long before the movie was even over.

And while it -is- true that I am very busy and probably shouldn't spend an hour writing such a review, I was going to push myself to anyway.

However, upon more reflection, even though this isn't a community, the four of us obviously write the reviews and you respond (you can still guest review or link a review anytime,BTW). Sp we do think of this as kind of cyber-commune where everybody's opinions are taken into account.

I was afraid if I came out with my PERSONAL and STRONG feelings and thoughts on this subject (which is already saturated with controversy and *so* many P.O.V.'s) that it might shade others. Meaning, more people might come out that agreed with me and the ones that disagreed might stay silent out of fear of someone cyber yelling or thinking their opinion wrong or ignorant. I hope you know by now, that's why this isn't a community and we usually screen comments....so people CAN'T tell off other readers and be A-holes to another person. A little bit of comment censorship has cut out A LOT of BS. In 27 months, we have only had to stop TWO comments from going through and both were done because they went for the jugular on another reader and we play nicely with others here. If you cyber-yell at a fellow movie-fan or call someone 'stupid' for liking or disliking something, we don't let your comment through. It's that simple.

As long as we are nice to each other and respect each other's opinions, I see NO reasons why we can't try to talk about this. Even if we are as divided as the country seems to be on this topic.

So I am putting up a poll and sitting back to see where that takes us and also to allow you guys the first crack at discussing this, if you so desired (if noone jumps in, I sure will after a day or two though....lol)

I will say the MOVIE was a fantastic documentary, showing both sides and all the many shades of grey. I would recommend it, especially if it's something you agree with, wonder about, or know someone that is terminally ill or suffering. It was insightful, well-done, Factual, didn't play favourites and while my opinion was not changed, I have even more facts to back up the reasoning for those opinions. In short, I recommend it. I saw it on DVD but I know PBS channels have been circulating it so you may catch it on telly.

Always with love,


Poll Death with Dignity or Murder???

religion, help!, alzheimer's, television, polls, politics, documentary, the suicide plan, civil rights, it's a wonderful life, tear-jerker

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