Dec 01, 2005 21:01
these were done for one of my education classes, we had to take a writing sample through the writing process and heres the result of it:
What is BEAUTY?
Beauty is feeling comfortable in your own skin
It is looking at yourself in the mirror and liking what you see.
Beauty is waking up every morning
It is going out into the world without anything added to your appearance.
Beauty is internal
Only you can make yourself believe you are beautiful.
Beauty is external
Though it is not what everyone sees all the time.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
God made you beautiful in your own way, cherish it.
Beauty is in everything around us
Just look around you, each thing is beautiful in their own special way.
Beauty is in nature
In every landscape, sunrise, sunset, and even in our back yard.
Beauty is in the people around you
Your friends and family, each are beautiful in their own way, don’t neglect them you never know when you will loose one of them.
Beauty is unique
No person looks the same; make a stand for yourself and who you are.
What is HOME?
Home is where you lay your head
You always have some place to go if you need to rest.
Home is where you are always welcome
Where else can you just walk right in without knocking.
Home is where you grew up
Who else can say that they have spent their whole lives in a certain house.
Home is full of memories
Whether it is through pictures or old soccer uniforms, there is always something there to help you remember things in the past.
Home is far away
A place where you would gladly travel the distance just for a home cooked meal.
Home is near by
A place that is just down the street.
Home is a place where you can be yourself
Where else can you sing at the top of your lungs and not get made fun of, even more than you do at school.
Home is where your family is
Dysfunctional or not, they love you no matter what.
Home is full of strangers
No matter how much they try to get to know you and who you are, they never find the real you.
“Home is where your heart is
But what a shame because everyone’s heart doesn’t beat the same.” (Green Day “Jesus of Suburbia”)