spending money

Jul 12, 2009 10:32

I'm going through a weird phase. For years, I've been scrimping and saving for a rainy day. While I haven't been a complete miser--I eat out a fair bit, and I've bought my fair share of records and books as well as the occasional video game or console--it's not as if I've slunk into debt while constantly buying new clothes and updating my gadgets on a regular basis, either. I save money whenever I can and sock whatever I can away into a high-interest savings account and occasionally roll some money into RRSP GICs. So I'm pretty sensible when it comes to money.

But lately, I haven't been sensible. Shocking, because while it's not a rainy day for me just yet, there are definitely storm clouds in the sky. There's a recession going on. My high-interest savings account isn't so high-interest anymore. Other people are losing jobs, houses, and more money than I can ever imagine making. Hell, my dad doesn't even open any RRSP statements he gets from the bank anymore. But me? All I seem to be doing is spending money. First, there was the expensive overnight romp to Seattle to see My Bloody Valentine. Then there was the decision to go to Seattle again, this time for a weekend to attend the Capitol Hill Block Party. And now? I want an iPod Touch. Yeah, seriously.

Yeah, I know I just bought an iPod Nano a year ago. But that was more of a stopgap than anything else, as in my old one stopped working and I needed to fill the gap suddenly left in my life. So I bought what I felt I could afford, and what made sense at the time. But now, I want more. I want something that I can write notes on while on a crowded Skytrain. I want more song space, so I can keep my favourite records with me without sacrificing new music or running up against hearing the same stuff over and over again. I want to Tweet and use Facebook on the go. I want a little entertainment, as well--maybe a game or two. I want a lot.

But since I'm not impulsive, I find myself stalling on the details. Like battery life. If I were to, say, tweet from Seattle, would that kill the battery and therefore music on the bus home? And how much space do I need for my wants? Knowing me, I'll have the 8gb filled up right quick--but the price tag is much easier to immediately justify than the 16gb model, which costs $100 more after taxes. Of course, if my Touch lasted three years, that hundred dollars now would save me money in the long run, because I know how it is and how I am.

Speaking of money, you may be wondering how I'm financing all these Seattle trips and future iPod purchases. Well, there was the tax refund that paid for my dental work and MBV day trip, and made up for that shortfall during that month where they cut our work hours. Then there was the birthday cheque from my dad, which covers a fair chunk of my next Seattle trip. And then, there was the sweet, sweet vacation payout, which covers the rest of the trip with room to spare. And if I ever got Worker's comp for my tooth, well, it would cover my new iPod--though I'm not exactly holding my breath for that. So long as I don't raid my savings, it's okay. And if I do take anything from savings, I like to pay it off, even going so far as to put the payment installments down as a budget item. Lame, but it's how I roll. So I could swing a new iPod. Still, there's part of me that thinks that I should have socked all the windfalls away in savings. But what are you gonna do?

music, health, travel, me, geekery, technology, money, work, medical, seattle

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