May 24, 2009 08:08
Six days on, one day off, an early Friday doctor's appointment and a late Friday night at work and it was almost miraculous that I was able to walk up the hill from the skytrain. I needed a day of pure rest. None of this day off spent running errands and doing housework stuff. At the very most, I might go to get a prescription filled and some pop. Maybe clean something small. For the most part, I was going to take my cue from my cat: Sleep lots.
The next morning, I was still worn down. On top of that, my period finally decided to pay me a visit, which is body-speak for "slow your roll." About as far as I was about to go was to the corner store for some Sprite--the rest of the day was going to be split between napping and watching trashy tv or Family Guy reruns or whatever was on. And so, I ventured out to get my Sprite, placed the phones next to my bed, and drifted off to sleep while watching Peter Griffin adrift at sea. Sigh. Day off of nothingness, how I needed you.
Today, it's Sunday and despite the heavy bleeding, I'm actually feeling good. I'm refreshed, recharged, and ready to rock. Unfortunately, I have to squander that feeling--not to mention this bright sunny day--at work. Then again, it beats being worn out to hell, trying to stay awake until the end of the shift. And it beats being sick, and it definitely beats being unemployed. So why am I bitching again? There's no room for that on a glorious day like today.
...Well, not much room, anyway.