May 19, 2009 08:50
If Facebook was around when I was growing up, chances are that between the two of us, mom and I would have documented everything. We'd have digital albums full of things like wee me watching Star Trek with my dad, pre-teen me watching Quantum Leap with my dad, adult me taking a break from my studies and watching Enterprise with my dad, as well as pictures of me and my dad at various ages, going to the movies. But Facebook wasn't around, so little documentation of those daddy-daughter moments exists. All we have to go on is our memories--and dad's are fading. But my point is, a new Star Trek movie, one based on the original series, should have had my dad as geeked as I was, ready to see it on the very first weekend.
But that wasn't the case. He was curious, yes--but not geeked for it. I don't know whether it was because he'd been letdown by more than one Star Trek movie in the cast, the whippersnappers who sat where his Kirk and Spock once sat, or just the old-man-not-wanting-to-go-out blues, but he wasn't boldly going to the movie theatre to see it. Not one to let other people get in the way of my geekery and moviegoing, I ventured forth to the nearest multiplex that'd let me see it for as cheap as possible at my earliest convenience.
By now, you don't need me to tell you to see this movie. You've either already seen it twice or are planning to see it or have no interest. You already know that the cast gets the characters as right as possible without merely impersonating them, that the special effects are pretty awesome, and that Leonard Nimoy shows up in the last third of the movie. And you've probably already inferred that I thought it was awesome and fun and it was good enough to hit all my Geek Receptors. After my first viewing, I was a squeeing, smiling mess of a fan girl. And I had a similar reaction after my second viewing about five days later.
The best part? This is an odd-numbered Star Trek movie. Therefore, the inevitable second movie's awesomeness should be incalculable. Which means that I'm going to have to see it the first day it comes out. Fascinating.
Hopefully, dad will come around by then.