Dearest Cinemagirl,
Please stop acting like you're too cool for school as far as the Oscars are concerned. It's annoying, tired, and completely false. So give it up already!
You care about the winners. Admit it. You care about the winners because you care about movies. When you like or even love a movie, you want to see it acknowledged somehow. If a performance moves you, you want to see the person responsible give a memorable speech and take home something shiny. Since most of the movies you like aren't going to make the box office top five (at least not until Oscar nominations force the studios into giving said movies wider release), face facts: Awards season is pretty much the only way some movies are going to get the recognition they deserve.
Yeah, I know that Oscar is a heartbreaker, often going home with directors, producers, and actors you think are undeserving, but it's not as if you always make great decisions when it comes to movies, either. Who saw Postal in the theatre? You did. Who saw The Rocker? Again, you did. Who saw Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay? Lots of people, including you. While you can't exactly recommend them, much less nominate them for anything that's not a Razzie, these movies serve as proof that you and the Academy aren't so different. And hell, lots of the movies you like aren't exactly Oscar-worthy, either. You watch summer blockbusters just like everybody else. They weren't all The Dark Knight and Wall-E, though you did see both of those movies twice. If you can like what you like without apology, why can't the Academy? Why are you holding them to some higher standard than everybody else?
Since you care about the Oscars, you watched the telecast. Admit it. What else were you gonna do on a Sunday night with no new Fox cartoons? Besides, you needed to see how Hugh Jackman was going to fare as host. You needed to see who won as soon as they won so you wouldn't miss an acceptance speech. You regretted coming late to the party when you read
keever's liveblogging, and spent the entire night waiting for the Youtube-age to show up. You even liked some of the pandering to the wider audience if only because, hey, you liked Pineapple Express and Iron Man, too! Hell, maybe you would have enjoyed Benjamin Button more if it had things like crime fighting robotic men, pandas who knew kung-fu, and fart jokes. Judging by the lack of non-technical hardware the movie received, the Academy felt the same way. See, you guys aren't so different after all.
So just shut up about not caring about the Oscars already, because everybody knows you do. And the sooner you admit it, the sooner you can find something else to hate on. Besides, with Slumdog Millionaire making some deserved wins, caring about the Oscars should be easier than ever.
See you in the dead center of the third row,
Your cinematic conscience.