the final cut (now with conclusion!)

Sep 01, 2008 22:30

Beatrix Kiddo kept waking me up through the night. I'd then stand up on my bed and smooth out the Kill Bill Vol. 2 poster, pressing my hands firmly against the areas where tape was affixed to the back. After that, I'd go back to sleep--only to be woken up hours later for the same routine. Forty-seven times later, I decided that maybe it was time for a change.

Hi, my name is Cinemagirl, and I consider movie posters to be a major home decorating theme. There's a poster for Waking Life on the wall opposite my bed. I have a Kill Bill Vol. 1 mini-poster next to my headboard. A poster advertising the A Mighty Wind 2003 tour graces the space next to where Beatrix Kiddo once stood. Add to this the stack of rolled-up posters that I haven't hung--Lost In Translation, Sin City, Spider-Man 2, Superbad, etc.--and I could probably paper my walls in previously coming attractions. Hell, if I could get frames large enough, they'd all be hung up throughout the apartment. Until that day, though, they remain rolled and stored away. Drag, because we have a lot of blank walls to fill, as well as a Dallas Cowboys mirror that sorely needs to come down. (It's my dad's. He's not even a Cowboys fan--he was just coerced by my mom to accept it as payment for a debt of some kind. So I grew up thinking he liked the Cowboys. Lies! All Lies!) But what are you gonna do?

Today, one of those posters is gonna be unfurled and placed in the spot above my headboard. But which one? Will it be Bill Murray all slippered and robed out for Lost In Translation? Rosario Dawson, beautiful and merciless, in Sin City? Spidey with Doc Ock in his reflective eyes as a teaser for Spider-Man 2? Or Michael Cera and Jonah Hill as Evan and Seth (McLovin not included!) in Superbad? Tough call.

Let's look at our choices. Truthfully, I can't really see the poster for Lost In Translation in my bedroom. It's not, as backwards7 suggested, the Bill Murray thing--it's more of a "what this poster says about me and this room" thing. It's a classy poster for a classy movie, but nothing about my bedroom is classy. It's full of particleboard furniture, clutter, mismatched bed linens--and that's the good stuff! No, the poster for Lost In Translation is better suited for a frame in the living room, the place with books and dvds and culture.

The poster for Sin City has the distinction of being the only movie poster I've ever actually bought. All the others were freebies from various movie theatres. (If you were to actually rummage through the pile of rolled-up posters on top of my stereo, you'd find a lot of sadness in among the gems.) But this one was special. I found it at the Ridge's poster sale, paid for it, and brought it home. It still is special, which is why I can see it in the living room, counterbalancing the Lost In Translation poster. It would do for the walls what all those Star Wars toys I got from Burger King do for the bookshelves: Hint at the fact that the people who live here aren't totally pretentious. Just in case the Mr. T bobblehead, coffee table stocked with Mad, and the W.C. Fields statue weren't enough clues.

Spider-Man 2 doesn't quite seem to fit, either. It seems like more of a lame comic book fanboy decorating choice. And while I am lame, like comic books, could be described as a fangirl, and like Spider-Man enough to have a talking stuffed doll of his likeness in my bedroom, it just seems like a Spider-Man 2poster above my headboard wouldn't truly reflect who I am. Naw, it's better suited to the area where that Dallas Cowboys mirror currently hangs.

Finally, we have the poster for Superbad. At first, it seems like a weird pick for my bedroom. I mean, I'm a thirty-year old woman here. But my movie tastes know no boundaries. Admittedly, it would counterbalance the poster for Waking Life quite nicely. It would say, "yeah, the girl who sleeps here likes artsy movies, but she isn't above a raunchy teen sex comedy." So it's actually pretty perfect.

That, and it already totally looks sweet above my headboard.

movies, movie posters, movieshowing, you're it for now, apartment life

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