I’ve found out that Hulu has all 50 episodes of the Young Hercules series from the late 90s. This made me very, very happy beyond belief 8D Well, the series is over a decade old and while Xena and Hercules: The Legendary Journey are getting re-released on DVD (again, very happy :D) you would think it’s be a good idea to release Young Hercules at the same time; you know, get that trifecta going on for Greek mythology.
Weeeellll, no such luck. I discovered that studio politics are once again keeping an awesome show from a DVD release. Apparently, different studios worked on the show together, and now they can’t figure out who owns the rights so the right company can get the royalties and other money stuff from DVD sales. Meaning, it’s probably going to be in eternal limbo until they straighten up.
But here’s the rub: the logo on the episodes on Hulu are all watermarked with the NBC peacock. Sooooo………if NBC has their logo on the series on Hulu, and I believe (someone correct me if I’m mistaken) that only legit channels can upload their content to prevent it from becoming like YouTube, soooooo……does that mean NBC own the rights? If so, then what’s the holdup on distributing a DVD collection for the show? If finding a distributor is the issue, just go to the ones putting out Hercules and Xena; again, completing the “triad”, as it were. It’s not complicated.
That is all :)