Mar 23, 2009 17:54
I keep wanting to write in here, but literally NOTHING IS HAPPENING in my life (besides attempting to dodge the April 15th must-have-a-job-by-now-or-bye-bye-L.A. deadline, but I'd best not think about that if I'm to keep hope alive). I mean, I'm sure you guys don't want to read again and again: "Applied for some jobs. Heard nothing back from any of them. Read a bit. Wrote a bit. Watched some TV." Snoresville!
So at the very least I will post consistently with a list of jobs I've applied for on that date. It'll give y'all a fairly accurate picture of my day, and maybe seeing an ongoing list will give me some sense of progress. I'll also try to make with the witty commentary on life and such, but no promises.
Anyway, here's today's attempts to find gainful employment in the big city:
1. temporary assistant to "Academy Award winning director"
2. production assistant at "top film/TV production company"
3. executive assistant for "entertainment company" (film, television, and video game productions)