Jul 22, 2007 11:11
I got my Senior pictures taken yesterday. The day started off by getting my hair cut/styled by my usual hairdresser, Darlene. I was nervous because the flyer I got in the mail from Bryn-Allan (the place where I was getting my pictures done) said not to get a new hairstyle before the pictures. Darlene, my hairdresser, did an absolute FANTASTIC job, though. My hair is now just above the shoulders and parted to the side for a little change from my usual down the middle part. I'm very happy, although I'll never get it to look as good as she made it look.
Next, my grandma, mom and I went to Cheddar's for lunch. I got the Fried Chicken salad, one of my favorite salads, and I couldn't finish it because my stomach was upset because I was very nervous. Don't ask me why I was so nervous, because I know we're not buying any of these pictures (I'm getting them taken somewhere else) and the only time anyone besides my family is going to see one of them is in the yearbook, AFTER we're all in college and no one cares. So, I brought the rest of my salad home.
Then, we headed over to Target because we had about an hour to kill. I ran into a friend who had just gotten her pictures done. She said it took an hour and a half of waiting, so I was NOT looking forward to that at all. We chatted for a few more minutes, bought what we came to get and headed to Bryn-Allan.
When we entered the building there were only two boys from my school waiting, so it didn't look like too long of a wait. Soon after we arrived a friend of mine came in, Harry Potter book in hand, and sat next to us. I got called to the second waiting room where my mom had to help me with the beautiful black drape. The drapes were not arranged in any kind of order and I think mine was too small, but it got the job done.
I was called in about five minutes later. Lucky me, I got the guy who thought he was so "funny!" Apparently, he said my drape wasn't "drapy" enough, so when I was doing my super cool poses, I had to tug on my drape with the other hand. Midway through this, the photographer asked me what music I listened to and I said, "Country" so he changed the radio to country. It was really nice, but I kinda wanted to sit for a few pictures and leave.
There is one picture that I think may look good and it's the one where I have my hand by my face, but that's the only one. The "rose pose" is going to be VERY special as you have to look over your shoulder, so elegantly, to the side of the camera and smile. I cannot wait to see that lovely picture! And an even more lovely picture will be me with a white, furry thing. I had to slip my drape from my shoulders and use this furry thing to cover them. With a white background, a white furry thing and white me, I'm going to look like an albino with a hair growth problem. It should be great!
Finally, I thought I was done after all these poses. But then the photographer escorts me over to the "barn" scene because I liked country music. He said, "You know, I'm not supposed to do this for free, but I'm going to anyway." Wow, thanks! I had to put my foot on a box, so if I get proofs of these pictures, it should look really nice with a drape and jeans! All this took so long that my mom and grandma were wondering where I was because the two girls that went in after me were long gone. I'm glad it's done!
senior pictures