(no subject)

Dec 02, 2005 23:38


It was insanely hot at Macy's today (which is ridiculous, because it's fucking freezing outside), so as soon as my shift was over I pulled off my sweater. I was wearing a Gap camisole underneath. (I wore one of these practically every day this summer: it's not an undergarment.) Anyway, my random crush was walking by at this moment (something COMPLETELY unintentional and NOT AT ALL PLANNED on my part.) He got so flustered and embarrassed! I thought it was really funny, so I was telling one of my coworkers about it when the following happened:

Joyce: Yeah, he's a little funny around women.
Me: He is a bit awkward. [faux serious] I think he's a virgin.
Joyce: Yeah, he is. [claps hand over mouth, JD style]
Me: What? WHAT?!?!

I wasn't able to beat all the details out of Joyce, because she felt really bad for telling me, but she knows someone he dated for a while, and she said nothing had ever happened between them and apparently nothing had EVER happened for him. Madness! He's cute and he looks like he's in his late twenties! WTF?!

I'm dying, because of course I want to tell EVERYONE at work, but I promised not to say anything. Except, you know, the entire free world via the internet.
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