Title: Onew and His Condition (In Which He Pisses Off the Diva Key)
cindyxmcPairing: Onew/Key
Chapter: 1/2?
Genre: comedy?, romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: uhm, in which Key was praising himself about his wide shoulders and Onew had to make the stupidest comment ever and get in trouble.
AN: Inspired by
this & this is pure! fail. -__-
You better think again LEE JINKI!! )
a fic from you!
okay, i'm not first though ):
it made me smile throughout!
"Oh, how he knew nothing good ever comes out with that smirk."
oh come on, you've got to continue this!
i want to know what's gonna happen!
i will join in and fan your brains!
haha i will if i know what to write on. =T
it's gonna take me a while to think of a good plan.
and how onew is going to react. XD
thank you for reading and comment bb~
okay, i understand!
so i am going to be real patient!
and it'll surely be good ^^
thank you for writing this and sharing!
i love you alot too and you know that!
teehee (:
oh you need to know this.
i simply ADORE your layout!
i stayed up till 10AM trying to figure things out, ugh!
i was so tired and i'm still not satisfied with it. =(
lol i love you too!
and adore you more.
ahh, you meant you didn't sleep the entire night -.-
just to figure things out?
that's silly!
aw man! why did you sacrifice your beauty sleep!
you really don't have to stress yourself too much ^^
cos it'll definitely turn out great :D
AWWWW <33333
ps: sorry ): i fail at html!
i didn't wake up until 5 or so. =D
so it was all goood.
it's okay, we all make mistakes. haha
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