Aug 24, 2008 17:07
I've done it. I always wondered how people got blogs. I'm so new to this that any pointers are welcome.. . . that is if anyone ever finds me or is interested enough to read my ramblings.
I thought that it would be quick once I had started then. . . wow. . . . . did anyone else take ages to pick a theme? I started analysing how others would view me before they read anything. Some appeared - ok quite a few appeared to be quite masculine. Then I started worrying if this meant I had too much testosterone as I kept picking them. Then I remembered talking to a friend about the programme where John Barrowman was trying to find out if he was gay through nature or nurture. I know I digress but stay with me. The programme looked at people's hands as an indication - along with others. If your index finger and ring finger are of equal length then you have more female genes. As I have different lengths I quizzed my friend.
"Does this mean that if I were gay - I would be the butch one?"
After she stopped choking on her coffee my friend assured me that there was no way that I would ever be described as butch infact I was more girly than anyone she knows.
I know that I'm feminine but it was a relief - then these blog themes - just sent to try me.
Then. . .I spotted this one. . . it's me! No it really is me. I spend so much time in airport lounges, reading whilst playing with my ear rings,I think someone must have sketched me when I was distracted - probably mulling over John Barrowman.
new blog