(no subject)

May 08, 2005 23:30

A is for age: 22
B is for boyfriend:
C is for career: physical therapy
D is for dad's name: Orlando
E is for essential item to bring to a party: Booze!
F is for favorite song at the moment: Holla back girl
G is for girlfriend:
H is for hometown: Beeville
I is for instruments you play: 1
J is for jam or jelly you like: Grape
K is for kids: what about em? they're annoying thats what
L is for living arrangements: mom and sis
M is for mom's name: Mary
N is for name of your best friend: Selena, Victoria
O is for overnight hospital: yeah when i had pneumonia i was a baby though. and when i had surgery
P is for phobia[s]: clausterphobia oh shit i can't breathe!
Q is for quote you like: Your mom goes to college
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 8 months haha
S is for sexual position: no comment
T is for time you wake up: whenever i feel like it ha
U is for unique trait: i can touch my nose with my tongue is that unique?
V is for vegetable you love: umm lettuce
W is for worst habit: cursing and being lazy
X is for x-rays you've had: 1 i think , well that i can remember
Y is for yummy food you make: spaghetti
Z is for zodiac sign: pisces


Current mood: ok
Current music: Tim McGraw - Back When haha
Current taste: nothing

Current hair: short and messed up
Current clothes: black t shirt, gray sweats

Current annoyance: my shoulders hurt
Current smell: i dont smell nothing
Current thing I should be doing: this
Current windows open: this, winamp

Current desktop picture: some beach thing
Current favorite band: breaking benjamin, theory of a deadman
Current book: none
Current cd in stereo: a cd that i made
Current crush: none

Current favorite celeb: stewie hahaa
Current hate: i dont hate anyone
Smoke?: yeah
Do drugs?: used to
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yeah its happened before not recently
Remember your first love?: never been in love
Still love him/her?:

Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yep
Actually Believe in miracles?: sometimes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yeah

Consider yourself tolerant of others? yeah
Consider love a mistake?: i dont know
Like the taste of alcohol? yeah

Have a favorite candy: peanut m&ms

Believe in astrology?: its weird sometimes cause my horoscopes are usually true
Believe in magic?: nah
Believe in god?: YES

Have any pets: lalies (LaLa)

Go to or plan to go to college: yes

Have any piercings?: no

Have any tattoos?: no

Hate yourself: no
Have an obsession?: music, tv, internet
Have a secret crush?: no
Do they know yet?:

Have a best friend(s)?: yeah
Wish on stars?: no

Care about looks?: nah not really


First crush: some dude in my 2nd grade class i dont remember his name

First kiss: when i was 14 haha
Single or attached?: single
Ever been in love?: no

Do you believe in love at first sight?: i dont know, walk by again! hahahaha jk

Do you believe in "the one?": yeah
Describe your ideal significant other: ideal - nice trusting honest funny


Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: nah

Have you ever been intoxicated?: yes!

Favorite place to be kissed?: dont have a fave

Have you ever been caught "doing something?": no! my gosh

Are you a tease?: nah i dont think so

Shy to make the first move?: depends, is there alcohol involved?

Rubber: maid
Rock: on

Green: weed

Wet: seal

Cry: baby
Peanut: clusters
Hay: horse

Cold: ice

Steamy: you

Fast: slut

Freak: out
Rain: sucks when you wash your car the day before hmmph

Bought: m&ms and a movie haha
Ate & Drank: fudge pop and water
Read: this

club or houseparty: club
beer or cider: shots

drinks or shots: shots

cats or dogs: dogs

single or taken: single
pen or pencil: pencil
gloves or mittens: gloves
food or candy: candy
cassette or cd: CD
coke or pepsi: dr pepper

This or that: that

kill: nobody

be like: ur mom! haha jk
avoid: haha no comment

eat: my room

cry: my room
wish you were: skinny

Dated one of your best friends? no but came close

Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? yeah not like in love with someone but someone that i love

Drank alcohol? yeah
Done drugs? yeah

Broken the law? i guess
Run away from home: like to the end of the street when i was little but only cause i wasnt allowed to cross the street hahahahaahhaah
Broken a bone: no

Played Truth Or Dare? yeah

Kissed someone you didn't really know? no

Been in a fight? no

The most embarrassing CD in your collection: haha spice girls
Your bedroom like?: tv comp dresser nighstand bed lamp clock poster curtain window yeah like any other room

Your favorite thing for breakfast? bacon
Your favorite restaurant?: Red Lobster or Dennys

What's on your bedside table?: its not by my bed but it has all my lotions and shit on it
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: whatever i can find
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: if i tell u then it will no longer be considered a secret i see how you were trying to sneak your way into knowing!

If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? nothing
What is your biggest fear: losing a loved one
What feature are you most insecure about?: my weight
Do you ever have to beg?: no
Are you a pyromaniac?: no but that would be cool
Do you have too many love interests? no
Crushes? no

Do you know anyone famous?: yeah, your mom
Describe your bed: full size pillows blankets

What do you carry with you at all times?: cell phone money
Do you drive?: yeah
What do you miss most about being little?: no worries

Are you happy with your given name? yep
What color is your bedroom?: red blue white orange gray all colors dude
What was the last song you were playing: ennui jolt - radiogalactica

Who are your best friends?: selena and victoria

Do you talk a lot?: yeah so i've been told
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: i guess

Do you think you're cute?: no
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: no
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: yeah

Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? Friends

1. spell your name backwards: ydnic
2. have you ever had a song written about you: oh yeah tons..
3. what song makes you cry: angels in waiting
4. what song makes you happy: anything by breaking benjamin
5. What's your all time fav. song?: ironic
6. what do you listen to before you go to sleep: radio THE Q BABY
7. height: 5'4"
8. hair color: brown
9. piercings: no
10. tattoos: no

Right Now . . .
11. what color pants are you wearing: gray sweats
12. what song are you listening to: Maroon 5 "must get out"
13. what taste is in your mouth?: nothing
13. whats the weather like?: dark
14. how are you?: good
15. get motion sickness?: i dont think so
16. have a bad habit?: being lazy, cursing
17. get along with your parents?: sometimes
19. have a current crush: no
20. have a big regret: yeah

Favorite . . .
21. tv show: Family Guy
23. book: 1984
24. non alchohol drink: water
25. alchohol drink: shots
26. things to do on the weekend: shows dennys!
Have You Ever . . .
27. broken the law: i dont know
28. ran away from home: yes but to the end of the street cause i wasnt allowed to cross hahahaha
29. snuck out of the house: yeah
30. ever gone skinny dipping: no
31. made a prank phone call: yes
32. tipped over a portapotty: no but i might try to
33. use your parents credit card: yeah
34. skipped school before: yeah
36. been in a school play: yeah
37. had a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
38. had children: no
39. been in love: no
40. have a hard time getting over someone: no
41. been hurt?: im sure but i dont know
42. gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: haha
43. if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: black
44. what makes you happy?: music

When/What Was the Last . . .
45. you got a real letter: i dont get letters just bills, bitches
46. got an email: today
47. thing you purchased: M&MS and a movie
48. Tv program you watched: a movie: family guy ..... secret window
49. movie you saw in the theaters: Amityville Horror
50. kissed: nobody
51. hugged: My mom
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