"My Little Fanfic Project of Love" (soon to be renamed)

Dec 19, 2014 08:05

Originally posted by mdfawn at "My Little Fanfic Project of Love" (soon to be renamed)
I'm sooooooo excited people.  I've only been at this for a little over a week and already I've got reccs for 20, count them, 20 fandoms!!!!!   I'm so grateful to the peeps that have shared links to what they think is some excellent fanfic.

Right now I'm getting recs from people on Twitter, here on LJ and on the Rainbow group of Facebook.  Thanks all.  I'm really hoping for more fandoms (a certain number is in my mind) and I'm kind of surprised at some of the major fandoms that I haven't had recs for yet.  Hello, LOTR??   Star Trek (old or new)???  I'm also surprised I've gotten fanfic recs from fandoms I NEVER even knew existed, which is super exciting.

I'm collecting recs until the beginning of January.  Even if I don't use the link that people have shared in the original "project of love" I'll be following up at the end with additional links, so ALL LINKS will be shared.  Please if you want to share a link to a truely great fanfic in any fandom (excepts SPN/Nuke/Harry Potter, I've got plenty in those three) the only requirements are:  m/m, 10 chapters or less, unpublished authore, if on LJ must be unlocked.  Just drop the link in the comments!

Also, if anyone who checks this post out/is on my F-List are fanfic authors drop me a link in the comments and I'll be posting in another follow-up at the end links to your fanfics if you'd like a little exposure in other fandoms.  I'm not sure how far this "little project" will go, that all depends on the "sharing"/RTing that happens, but I'm hoping many people will share in the fanfic love with me.

Stay tuned for more updates as the date of the launch gets closer.

Love you all and FANFIC FOREVER!!!! 
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